Madrichim Information Form
Please complete the information as completely and honestly as you can so we can plan the best possible experience for you as a Madrich or Madrichah this year!
What is your preferred name?
First Name
Last Name
What are your pronouns?
What is your cellphone number?
Please enter a valid phone number.
What is your email?
How old are you?
Parent/Guardian 1 Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent/Guardian 1 Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Parent/Guardian 1 Email
Parent/Guardian 2 Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent/Guardian 2 Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Parent/Guardian 2 Email
The best way(s) to reach me are:
Emails to me
Texts to me
Calls to me
Emails to BOTH my parents
Texts to BOTH my parents
Calls to BOTH my parents
Email/Text/Call ONLY Parent/Guardian 1
Email/Text/Call ONLY Parent/Guardian 2
What congregation does your family belong to?
Congregation Shir Shalom
Temple Beth Tzedek
Temple Beth Zion
Do you want to be added to a potential carpool?
What school do you attend?
What grade will you be in this school year?
7th Grade
8th Grade
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
Do you need a hour confirmation letter for National Honor Society?
Do you have any conflicts on Sunday mornings such as a side job work or sporting events? If yes, please explain below.
Have you been a Madrich(a) before? Please tell us where, in what grades, and for how long.
What grade level(s) would you most prefer to work with in Religious School?
Grades 2-3
Grades 4-5
Grades 6-7
No Preference
What is your level of Hebrew reading?
I know the Alef Bet (letters, names, sounds).
I can decode Hebrew text (sound it out).
I can read and understand Hebrew.
I can read prayerbook Hebrew fluently.
What is your level of spoken Hebrew?
I know "Shalom"!
I have a very basic Hebrew vocabulary.
I understand spoken Hebrew, but can't respond very well.
I am a fluent Hebrew speaker.
Describe one skill set that you can offer in a religious school classroom:
Describe one skill set you would like to develop this year:
Share something about yourself that nobody would know just by looking at you:
Do you have any questions or concerns about the Madrichim Program at CRS this year?
Do you have any accommodation requests that will enhance your experience as a madrich(a)?
I agree to do my best to attend 80% or more of this year's Madrichim Activities and Community Religious School sessions (25 Sunday mornings, 8:45AM - 11:45). I will also do my best to intend the Staff Orientation on Thursday, September 7th 6-8 PM. I pledge to arrive on time, to dress appropriately, and to conduct myself with dignity.
I agree
I do not agree
Should be Empty: