Podcast Guest Request Form
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
What city & state do you live in?
Ex: Atlanta, GA
Choose not to disclose
What is your Instagram Handle?
EX: @Jameshiltv
Do you have a net-worth of $1M or more ?
Yes I do.
No I don't, but I am a professional in the field of Finance & Wealth Management.
No, but I believe I can add value where its needed.
Are you an accredited investor?
Yes I am.
What days are you typically available? List dates & times.
EX: Mondays after 6pm.
Provide any links to any social media content you created that you would like us to see outside of your personal Instagram page.
Are you willing to commute to Atlanta, GA where we are located?
Yes I will commute.
Yes I am willing to fly in.
Tell us about career?
Have you been convicted of any crime? If so explain:
EX: Felony firearm charge
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for this Podcast?
Are you willing to promote the podcast out to your email list and text list?
Yes I will send the email + text blast.
No I prefer to promote via social media.
I choose not to promote.
Are you willing to introduce us to other Millionaires in your Network?
Yes I will make the introduction.
I prefer not to make the intro.
Submit Form
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