Join our TEAm
First Name
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Area Code
Phone Number
E-mail Address:
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Upload Resume:
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Let's Chat (Question & Details):
What type of employment are you interested in?
Part-Time - working 10-20 hours a week
Part- Time working 20-30 hours a week
What position are you interested in applying for? (check all that apply)
Junior Tea-rista (15-17 years old)
Tea-rista at retail shop
Education TEAm
Production TEAm
Pop Ups & Festivals
What kind of experience do you have in any of the above positions?
What is your favorite Jayida Ché tea blend?
If you were a tea blend, what would your tea blend have in it?
Why do you want to join Jayida Ché's TEAm?
Do you have reliable transportation?
Yes, I do
No, that's a work in progress.
Are there any days/ times you are NOT available? Please list them here along with any other conflicts.
Are you available weekends, evenings, and holidays?
Yes, I am!
Most of the time.
A little bit
My schedule varies
When can you start?
Any Questions for us?
Should be Empty: