When a Local Unit fails to submit the yearly requirements to maintain its IRS non-profit status and National PTA affiliation, then LAPTA has a “Retention Plan” to get units back on track. The goal of the LAPTA Retention Plan is to support Local Units and to make the process as easy as possible. LAPTA recognizes that some PTAs might inherit a PTA not in compliance and are usually not initially familiar with the requirements of Active Affiliation. Communication with LAPTA is key. Local Units will not be “in trouble” or scolded, but rather LAPTA welcomes their efforts and is eager to get Local Units back to Active Affiliation status.
There are five phases to the Retention Plan:
1) Notification: LAPTA gives 30 days to submit the missing items.
2) Restriction: Given a second 30-day period; not eligible for awards, programs, or grants by LAPTA or NPTA.
3) Intervention: After 60 days, the PTA signs a Plan of Action which designates new deadlines.
4) Restructure: LAPTA may choose to restructure the PTA leadership or move into the Dissolution Phase.
5) Dissolution: loss of the 501(c)(3) nonprofit status if Active Affiliation is not acquired for 3 consecutive years; PTA leadership refuses to implement the Plan of Action; or the PTA is not in compliance with PTA’s Purposes and Principles. Bank accounts must be closed with any funds donated to a PTA.