Short Film Competition - Youth
Please enter all details of the participant/s entering the film. Please note films are required to first be submitted via WeTransfer or in person via USB at Wagga Wagga Art Gallery Shop by Wednesday 13 July at 4pm.
Name (if you are entering as a group, please skip to question 2)
First Name
Last Name
If entering as a group, please list all participants full names
Entrants age/s
This is based on the age your are by Wednesday 13 July, 2022.
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number
Title of your short film
Which category are you entering this film into:
Animation 12-18 yrs: Prize= $200 voucher to Eckersleys
Animation 19-26 yrs: $250 voucher to JB-HiFi
Performance 12-18 yrs: $200 voucher to Eckersleys
Performance 19-26 yrs: $250 voucher to JB-HiFi
Please confirm you have submitted your film:
Yes, I have dropped a USB in an envelope with my full name & short film title to Wagga Wagga Art Gallery front desk.
Yes, I have sent my film via wetransfer to:
By entering you agree to have read the terms & conditions of the film competition, and agree that the work entered is an original work and does not breach copyright.
Yes I confirm
Should be Empty: