Terms & Conditions
Commission & Exclusive Sale Period (After Sales Negotiation)
I understand that by choosing to sell my horse(s) with Andrew Wilson & Co I am consenting to a 15% Commission fee + GST for the sale of each horse which will be deducted from the proceeds of the sale(s).
I agree that by entering a horse into the next scheduled auction I give Andrew Wilson & Co exclusive rights to negotiate the sale from the date of registration submission until 10 days after the auction’s advertised end date. I agree to pay the commission amount based on the reserve price, or the selling price if a reserve is not registered. This applies whether the horse is sold during this exclusive sale period by Andrew Wilson & Co or any other person outside the auction. Therefore I agree not to sell my horse privately during this exclusive sale period.
I agree that by entering a horse into the next scheduled auction I give Andrew Wilson & Co exclusive rights to advertise the horse with the photos and information I have provided here. The horse will be advertised on the HIBID platform and the Andrew Wilson & Co FB page including instagram.The horse is not to be advertised elsewhere including other FB pages without the consent of Andrew Wilson & Co
I agree that should my horse for any reason be removed from sale during this exclusive sale period without a veterinary certificate that I will be billed and liable to pay any commission based on the reserve price listed for my horse.
The information I provide on my horse seller registration form is to my knowledge true and correct. If I provide false or misleading information I understand my horse may be withdrawn from auction and I may be suspended or banned from entering items in future auctions. As the vendor I am fully responsible for any description given on the horse, therefore I will take care to disclose all favourable and unfavourable aspects of my horse. This includes disclosure of a windsucking horse, wobbler, rearer, bolter, weaver, rig, condition and vices of the horse and any known injuries or scarring, handling or lack thereof. A full honest description detailing prior injuries, education and vices along with recent good quality photographs and videos can make all the difference to the final sale price.
As the vendor I state that I have the authority to sell the horse whether for myself or on behalf of multiple owners.
All registration forms must be submitted with the relevant photographs and video criteria before 5pm the Wednesday prior to auction to confirm registration. All photo requirements must be met to ensure a confirmed spot in the auction. Photo/video requirements are found within the registration form.
If I require changes to my registration including horse description or reserve price I may request this by contacting an Andrew Wilson & Co staff member.
Andrew Wilson & Co as overseeing auctioneer
In the event of any dispute or problem in relation to the sale of my horse, Andrew Wilson & Co as the auction convenor will settle the matter as they see fit. This may include offering the horse to another bidder or withdrawing the horse from sale. If a reserve is not given, the horse will be sold without a reserve.
If my horse does not meet reserve and is passed in it is automatically enrolled in the Andrew Wilson & Co After Sales Negotiation program (see above Commission & Exclusive Sale Period). Should an offer be presented I will be contacted by an Andrew Wilson & Co representative. Should a sale not be made during this time no commission is due and I may re-enter my horse in the next auction by contacting Andrew Wilson & Co.
Release of Personal Details
Once the sale of my horse is finalised I authorise Andrew Wilson & Co to release my name and contact number to the new buyer to arrange transport.
Release of Horse
Once notified of sale confirmation from an Andrew Wilson & Co staff member I agree to release my horse and any applicable registration papers to the new buyer within the 5 days from the purchase or as agreed with the buyer.
Release of Sale Amount
The sale amount minus 15% plus gst commission will be made to me within 7-10 business days of the purchase date and once the horse has been collected by the buyer or transport company. When I notify an Andrew Wilson & Co staff member that the horse has left my care the funds will be allocated.
Responsibility for Horse
As the vendor I am responsible for the care of my horse until ownership transfers to new purchaser as confirmed to by Andrew Wilson & Co. Once purchase confirmed the new owner then becomes responsible for any costs in relation to the care of the horse.