CK5 Transport Services, LLC
25 Contentment Road
Sanbornton NH 03269
603-630-2837 or 2836
General services to be expected for the care and transport of your bike: An inspection will be done prior to loading, any and all visible dents/scratches and defects will be listed.
CK5 Transport Services, LLC will load each bike individually and secure bike with suitable strapping so as to protect the finish and original condition of the bike at all times. Alarms must be off, collar locks must be left open and chain or cable locks cannot be used. Ignitions must remain "unlocked". Any bike or bags found to have narcotics, illegal drugs or weapons on the trailer will be turned over to the officials without liability to CK5 Transport Services, LLC and without refund to the bike owner. CK5 Transport Services, LLC will assist law enforcement with such investigations at any time and not be held liable.
Fuel tanks must no more than 1/4 tank of fuel. If there is more than that then CK5 will remove the extra fuel and will dispose of fuel and not be held liable for the return of said fuel.
Motorcycles are covered under CK5 Transport Services, LLC's insurance policy while in our possession. All insurance policies have a $500 deductible.
CK5 Transport Services, LLC will not be liable for the following:
- Damage caused by leaking fluids, battery acids, cooling system antifreeze solution or "any" act of God.
- Parts or accessories that are loose, torn. brittle or have extensive wear.
- Non-factory parts that change dimensions of motorcycle.
- Owner is responsible for preparing motorcycles for shipment. All loose parts, fragile or protruding accessories, must be removed and/or properly secured. Any part of the motorcycle that falls off in transit is the owner's responsibility, including damage to any and all motorcycles involved, caused by said part/fluid.
- Mechanical functions, exhaust assembly, undercarriage, alignment. suspension, turning off engine, dead batteries or alarms. Owner is responsible for disengaging alarm system while in transit. Damage caused by freezing of cooling system and/or batteries. Damage to antennas that do not retract to within three (3) inches of bike body. Owner are required to remove antennas that are longer than three (3) inches and ship with the motorcycle.
- In some cases windshields and mirrors have to be removed by the customer, assistance is available if needed.