Effective Fall 2024 the following course subject codes have been changed from ENGI to EDES. The courses themselves have not changed.
Four core courses: 12 credit hours (SEMESTER OFFERED)
EDES 120/EDES 220/FWIS188 – Introduction to Engineering Design (F/S)EDES 200 – Engineering Design Studio (S/Sum/Most F)EDES 210 – Prototyping and Fabrications (F/S)EDES 350 – Problem Identification and Implementations (S)
Electives: 6 credit hours required
Departmental design or project-based courses, excluding capstone or final-year design, with approval. Examples include but are not limited to BIOE 360, CEVE 314, ELEC 490, MECH 488, and CHBE 490
BIOE 360 - Appropriate Design for Global HealthBUSI 220 - Introduction to Design Innovation (Summer - iSEED)BUSI 221/369 - New Enterprises (Summer - iSEED)BUSI 463 – Entrepreneurial StrategyBUSI 464 – Social EntrepreneurshipCHBE 490 - Chemical Car Engineering and DesignCEVE 314 - Sustainable Water Purification for the Developing WorldELEC 327 – Implementation of Digital SystemsELEC 442 – Analog Electronic CircuitsELEC 490 - Electrical Engineering Research ProjectsEDES 300/ ENGI 300 – Engineering Design WorkshopEDES 301/ ENGI 301 – Introduction to Practical Electrical EngineeringENGI 315 – Leading Teams and InnovationEDES 355/ ENGI 355/ MECH 203/403 - Digital and Computer Aided DesignMECH 488 - Design of Mechatronic SystemsPSYC 370 – Introduction to Human Factors and Ergonomics
EDES 120/EDES 220/FWIS 188/FWIS 288
EDES 200
EDES 210
EDES 350
Elective 1
Elective 2