If You have problem with registration...– check if couple has correct MIN https://www.worlddancesport.org/Rule/Organizer/Competitions/ID-Cards,– has got active athlete status https://www.worlddancesport.org/Athlete/List– or if couple's partnership is confirmed by their NMF https://www.worlddancesport.org/Couple/List
SolutionContact your National memebr federation NMF https://www.worlddancesport.org/Memberor RLS administrator https://www.worlddancesport.org/Contact/Directory/RLS_Administrators.
After this steps, you can try to register again. If couple doesn't have their partnership confirmed, they will be denied to participate at the competition.
For visa please complete this application: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P1qX8zi5poVElh5IWT2kD2qYGuJJwQbRor send the copy of passports and required information to szts@szts.sk and complete the application by making the payment of visa within 5 days.
The organizer provides (pays for) accommodation and transfer for the couple including 2 nights + breakfast in a hotel Ibis.
For visa please email the passports or complete information to szts@szts.sk no later than July 31 and complete the registration by making the payment within 5 days.