WSP Worker Training for Gull Meadow Farms, LLC
I have received worker pesticide safety training in a manner I understand and have been presented with the following information:
*Where and what form pesticides may be encountered during work activities
*Hazards of pesticides resulting from toxicity and exposure, including acute effects, chronic effects, delayed effects, and sensitization
*Routes through which pesticides can enter the body
*Signs and symptoms of common types of pesticide poisoning
*Emergency first aid for pesticide injuries or poisonings
*How to obtain emergency medical care
*Routine and emergency decontamination procedures, including emergency eye flushing techniques
*Hazards from chemigation and drift
*Hazards from pesticide residues on clothing
*Warnings about taking pesticide or pesticide containers home
*An explanation of the WPS requirements designed to protect workers, including application and entry restrictions, design of the warning sign, posting of warning signs, oral warnings, availability of specific information about applications, and protection against retaliatory acts