Volunteer Application
Thank you so much for your interest in volunteering with us! Please fill out this form so that we can have some information about you and get in contact! You must be 16 years of age or older to volunteer on your own, however we welcome those 16 years of age and younger as long as they have a parent or guardian present!
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Your Age:
Please Select
Over 70
Phone number:
Is it okay to text?
I would like to receive emails about:
Volunteer Opportunities
I would not like to receive emails
We have two locations designated to different services. Please indicate which locations you prefer to volunteer at:
Animal Shelter: This location handles stray animal intake, redemptions, and adoption services for both cats and dogs.
Adoption Centre: This location specializes in cat adoptions only and offers a range of Humane Education Programs including birthday parties, shelter tours and reading programs
Please list any other organizations you have volunteered for:
Emergency Contact Information: Please list a name, phone number and relationship of a person you would like us to call in case of emergency.
Do you have any allergies or special needs we should be aware of?
Please describe any previous experience working with animals.
Do you have any of the following?
Criminal Record Check (Not required but may be requested)
Tetanus Shot (Recommended)
Valid Drivers License (Only if transporting animal)
What areas are you interested in volunteering?
Please indicate which area(s) you are interested in volunteering.
Animal Transport- Transport animals to veterinary appointments and transfers to other rescues across BC.
Dog Walking- Dogs are usually not housed at the shelter but on rare occasions if they are they will require walks during the day, late evenings and early mornings.
Events & Fundraisers-We have several exciting fundraisers a year that we need help with. Activities include setting up and working the event.
Foster care-Animals coming into our care can require foster care for various reasons. Fostering is a rewarding experience and help prepare a animal for adoption.
Cat Cuddling - The cats and kittens at the shelter require cuddles and socialization, this activity can be at anytime during our operating hours.
Humane Education- We offer a wide variety of humane education programs to the community. If you enjoy working with kids this would be a purrfect opportunity for you to get involved.
Shelter Cleaning - The shelter requires daily cleaning and includes sanitization of rooms, feeding, cleaning litter pans, setting up adoption rooms, laundry, dishes, sweeping and mopping.
Adoption Follow Up- We always like to hear how our adopted animals are adjusting to their new homes. This activity involves following up with adopters through telephone or email for a update.
Admin- The shelter has a large amount of admin tasks to complete. If enjoy doing administrative work e.g. data entry, filing, shredding, updating files etc then we would love your help.
What are your strengths? (are you a people person, do you enjoy teaching others, do you enjoy cleaning?)
Volunteer Expectations
Volunteers will strive to maintain an attitude of respect, loyalty, patience, integrity, and courtesy. Always treat the Prince George Humane Society animals, volunteers and customers with respect. You agree to never hit or harm an animal or handle one in a rough, unkind manner. If you discontinue being a volunteer (by your own choice or upon request by PGHS) you will promptly return all PGHS supplies, equipment, records, animals, moneys, and other items in good, clean condition.
Volunteer Agreement
As a volunteer, you represent the Prince George Humane Society to the public, therefore you agree to follow our polices as they are listed below.
I, the Undersigned, assume the risk of being bitten, scratched, or injured in connection with my PGHS volunteer work. The risks may include but not limited to , being bit or nipped by rescue animals, lifting animals or crates, vehicular traffic, actions of other people including, but not limited to, participants, volunteers and spectators. PGHS is not liable to me or my guardian for any injuries, damages, liabilities, losses, judgments, costs or expenses whatsoever, which I might suffer or sustain in connection with my PGHS volunteer activities.
Initial here
I will indemnify, the Prince George Humane Society and/or volunteers, representatives, agents, the activity or event, holders, the activity or event sponsors, the activity or event volunteers and shareholders, the facility and their owners, from any liability for any loss, damage, injury, and expense that the participant (or his/her next of kin) may suffer, arising out of the inherent risks or participation in fostering/ volunteering, which include, but are not limited to, the instruction received while participating in fostering/volunteering.
Initial here
I understand the Prince George Humane Society is not providing any medical or other insurance benefits to me. I am in good health and have no physical condition, disability, or injury that would make it dangerous for me to participate in volunteering for the Prince George Humane Society.
Initial here
I understand that volunteering for the Prince George Humane Society is voluntary and and I am not a paid employee of the Prince George Humane Society by virtue of volunteering. I will receive no financial compensation for my time volunteering, other than approved incurred expenses.
Initial here
I have accurately and truthfully completed this Volunteer Application and Agreement
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