In registering your student, you as parent or guardian of student agree to the following:
Intervention I consent for my student to participate and receive summer program services designed to deliver instruction for students with the goal to increase their academic success in the classroom. Based upon the programs my student is registered in to participate in, I understand the services provided may include one or more Catapult intervention programs, including but not limited to Math Intervention, Reading Literacy, STEM/Robotics and Social and Emotional Learning.
I understand Catapult will receive personally identifiable information (“PII”) related to my student which is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”) and other state and local privacy laws. I consent to Catapult’s use of PII for the purpose of teaching my student. Catapult programs are intended to be administered in-person in traditional classrooms; however, if any services are delivered virtually, Catapult will share such PII with its Digital Platform Providers (“DPP”) (Google Classroom, Zoom, Microsoft Teams) and I consent to such sharing if my student uses these platforms, including the use of live audio, video or recordings.