Provisional credit is a loan from the credit union given to those in the dispute so that they may continue on without disruption of their daily tasks. Provisional credit is given within 5 days for Visa transactions or 10 days for ATM transactions if the dispute cannot be resolved within the time frame. It can take up to 45 days for Visa transactions or 90 days for ATM transactions to investigate (See regulation E 205.11 & Visa Rules.) Results of the investigation will be provided to the member. If it is found that the transaction in dispute is not unauthorized or will not be refunded, the provisional credit will be reversed from the account and a letter will be sent to notify the member. Member must be willing to prosecute if the criminal is found. The transaction(s) described were not originated with fraudulent intent by me or any person acting for or with me.
I neither conducted, authorized nor benefited from these transactions. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.