Dragon Academy does not at this time participate in any state-funded or federally-funded food program; therefore, we are approved to charge a meal fee. Our meal fee is $130 a month, due on the 1st of every month (including December) and complies with Bright from the Start’s guideline and regulations. If your child is on Medicaid, please contact the front desk to discuss your exemption.
Our Meal Fees Cover:
Morning Snack/Juice
Lunch (which must include): Protein, Vegetable, Starch, Fruit, Milk
Disposable Meal/Kitchen Items: plates, cups, spoons, forks, napkins, paper towels, cook expenses kitchen supplies
Our Meal Policy:
Due to allergies, we do not allow outside meals or snacks to be brought in. If your child has a medical/dietary reason for not being allowed to eat the food served, you must provide a doctor’s note to be exempt from this policy. Thus, any outside foods must support the food USDA Nutritional guidelines (protein, vegetable, starch, fruit, milk), or Dragon Academy must supplement the meal, in addition to providing eating utensils, paper products, etc. Therefore, it is our policy to charge the meal fee in these situations.
Outside meals may not require any preparation by Dragon Academy staff (such as microwaving) due to liability issues. No candy, chips, soda, etc. should be packed in lunchboxes. These items will be returned. If your child is missing a component they will be offered what we are serving that day.
** Due to children with severe allergies to PEANUTS and FISH, these foods cannot be sent to the center. If these items are sent, in any form, they will not be served and you will be notified!