1. The undersigned hereby authorizes doctor to take x-rays, study models, photographs, or any other diagnostic aides deemed appropriate by doctor to make a thorough diagnosis of the patients dental needs.
2. I also authorize doctor to perform all recommended treatment mutually agreed upon by me and to use the appropriate medication and therapy indicated for such treatment.
3. I understand that all responisbility for payment for dental services provided in this office for myself or my dependents is mine. Due and payable at the time services are rendered unless other arrangements have been made in the event payments are not recieved by the agreed dates, I understand that a 1-1/2% finance charge (8% APR) may be added to my account in addition to any collection charges.
4. I understand that where appropriate, Credt Bureau reports may be obtained.
5. I understand that it is my responsibility to advise your office of any changes in the infrmation contained in this form.