This is an application for four open committee positions on the Affiliate Support Committee (the Committee Chair to be selected by LNC Chair and three regional positions selected by the LNC Regional Representatives). The official description of the committee is thus:
The Affiliate Support Committee (ASC) shall identify the needs and interests of the various affiliates. In addition, the ASC shall identify those affiliates that are in particular need of assistance that the LNC can provide.
The ASC shall deliver a report to the LNC for the last LNC meeting of each calendar year, identifying and prioritizing those needs and interests of the various affiliates. This ranked list shall be taken into consideration when drawing up the following year’s budget, and throughout the year as needed. This list will also assist the Executive Director in deciding how to assign tasks to staff, by identifying those services that staff provides to the affiliates that are the most desired.
The ASC shall also, when needed, recommend to the LNC measures that will address the particular affiliates that need assistance from the LNC.
The ASC will also establish a process for tracking the progress in meeting those needs.
You must be available for online meetings and to fully participate in the work of the committee. This is a volunteer position.