📝 Registration
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Have you registered for a Success Accelerator workshop/program in the past?
Please Select
Note: If you haven't completed a registration form before, please select "No". If you're registering for multiple, just select "No" for the first one.
Preferred Name
If it differs from your legal name
Date of Birth
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Referred by (please include the organization and name of the person)
Email of referral person
Which of the following do you identify with?
Involved with the Justice System (means a history with the criminal justice system and/or agencies such as John Howard or Elizabeth Fry)
Experienced homelessness
Experienced mental illness (either self-identify or clinically diagnosed)
Experienced trauma
Gender-Based, Intimate Partner and Family Violence
In or are leaving the care of the Children's Aid Society
Low Income OR on Social Assistance (Low income means an individual who ears less than $20,778 per year or $41,198 per year for a family of four, Social Assistance includes government income subsidy including EI, OW, ODSP, or Basic Needs Allowance)
Newcomer (means individuals who have resided in Canada for less than five years)
Person with a Disability (this includes any physical disability, mental impairment, developmental disability or learning disability)
Racialized (means groups of people who might experience unequal or different treatment on the basis of race, ethnicity, language, religion or culture)
Single parent (yourself)
Substance abuse/addiction
None of the above
What is your highest level of education?
Some High School
High School/GED
Some Post-Secondary
Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
Which of the following options best describes you in the past three months?
Enrolled in school or vocational training
Employed full time
Employed full time and enrolled in school or vocational training
Employed part time
Employed part time and enrolled in school or vocational training
Not enrolled in school, vocational training or employment
Prefer not to answer
Which work/program did you want to register for?
Please Select
Life You Want Program (Goal Setting)
Navigating Changes with Resilience
Youth Support Program
Moon Circle
Navigating Government Programs
Positive Intelligence Workshop
Emotional Intelligence
Positive Intelligence: Mental Fitness Program
Wellness Workshop
Life Coaching/Counselling/Mentor
MasterClass Club
Why does this program interest you?
Which Wellness Workshop would you like?
Please Select
Which EQi-2.0 assessment report type would you like? (The language for each respective report would be geared towards either workplace or school setting)
The Workplace Report
The Higher Ed Comprehensive Report
I need help figuring out which one is right for me
As you explore the EQ-i 2.0, think about how active it is in your life. Check the appropriate box. Low, Mid-Range, or High for each competency. Low activity does not necessarily mean low skills, and high does not necessarily mean refined ability.
Decision Making
Stress Management
Well-Being (Happiness)
Do you have access to a smart phone with internet access?
Yes I do
Sort of, I need to share it with someone
No I don't
What interested you about this coaching/counselling opportunity?
What is it that you really, really want to create in your life, and why?
What is holding you back from getting there?
Fear, habits, insecurities, time, people, etc.
How would your life feel and what will it look like when you get there?
List your top 3 most important goals that will support moving towards your desired future.
Specifically which personal qualities, habits, and behaviors do you want to develop to help you reach these goals?
What are you willing to commit to in order for you to realize your goal?
Is there anything else you'd like me to know about you?
What questions or concerns do you have?
Which areas of life would you like to focus on in your goal-setting journey? (Select all that apply)
Spirit (ex: meditation, spirituality, connection to self)
Mind + Emotions (ex: mental health, thoughts, mindset)
Body (ex: physical health, fitness, rest, nutrition)
Relationships (ex: friends, family, colleagues)
Livelihood + Service -- Entrepreneurship & Business
Livelihood + Service -- Finances & Wealth
Livelihood + Service -- Community & Social Impact
Play (ex: Lifestyle, recreation, hobbies, travel)
Would you like to join for lunch
Yes please
No, thanks
Do you have dietary restrictions?
Would you request for reimbursement of transportation expenses? (eg. public transit fare)
No thanks, please use the funds towards others that need it.
Yes, it would really help me out.
How much reimbursement are you requesting?
Please note, we have a small budget for this, and you will not be reimbursed unless approved in writing by email.
Do you have any accommodation request?
Please let us know if you plan to bring a child along, require accessibility accomoodation, or anything else that would make your experience better.
Please confirm your mailing address for the materials you need associated to this program
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Types of Government Assistance are you currently receiving
Employment Insurance
Ontario Works
Ontario Disability Support Program
Ontario Child Benefit
Ontario Student Assistance Program
Rather not say
List your top 3 most important goals that will support moving towards your desired future.
What would you like the youth support to know about you?
Setting intention, what are you hoping to get out of attending this workshop/program?
Please take your time and be specific, this is for yourself and for us to support and to match you with like-minded peers
Have you taken any workshop related to this topic in the past?
Yup, just one
Yup, several in fact
Are you committed to attending the program and showing up for yourself? (This means completing the assignments, attending all the sessions, and always be in communication if you're unable to)
Hmm, maybe
Which MasterClass(es) are you most looking forward to
You can share the name of the instructor, topic, or the specific class
If selected, which of the MasterClass topics would you like to join a discussion in?
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
People & Culture
Personal Growth
None, I am not interested in group discussion on these classes
Do you agree to completing reports to share how you've benefitted from accessing MasterClass every 4 months?
Maybe, I have some questions
By continuing with this application, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
If you indicated that you are referred by an organization or someone, we may share the attendance of your participation in our program(s) with the organization or person as indicated https://www.successaccelerator.ca/terms-and-conditions AND https://www.successaccelerator.ca/media-release
Please confirm
Yes, I have read and agree to the statement set out above and the Terms & Conditions.
Yes, I'd like to receive communication and be the first to know what's going on at Success Accelerator!
Is Client?
What is one thing you'd like to accomplish this year?
Describe it in as much details as you could. By making this declaration, you're already the top 20% of the general population.
Should be Empty: