Candidates for $200.00 SCHOLARSHIP: Please complete this form and enclose with your 10 inner report cards and stubs. (Send copies – do not send originals.)
Application deadline: September 15.
Mail to:
Scholarship Committee,
American College of Musicians,
P.O. Box 9469, Austin, Texas 78766-9469
Scholarship applications must be filed during the same year in which the student completes the requirements. Students have four years after High School graduation to complete their 10th National program. After being notified of approval, students have one year in which to make use of the scholarship.
Your eligibility depends on your having fulfilled the following requirements:
1. National winner for 10 years (or 10 programs of 10-20 pieces), with grades totaling AT LEAST 140 more C’s than A’s.
2. Paderewski Medal winner (application required – see The Guild Syllabus p. 40).
3. Guild High School diploma Recipient (NOT High School Diploma in Social Music).(Although Juniors are permitted to perform a "regular" High School Diploma, they CANNOT apply for a scholarship until they are a SENIOR in High School.