Immediately after your removal procedure the area may feel irritated; redness and scabbing are a normal part of the healing process. Gentle cleansing is acceptable when a large area has been treated, however please follow these instructions closely to minimize any adverse reactions, and to aide with healing time.
1. Do not directly touch the treated area for 24-48 hours following treatment to minimize the risk of infection, keep the area dry and refrain from environments that cause overheating, perspiring or sweating.
2. Do not pick at the treated area, premature removal of scabs may result in hyperpigmentation, infection, or scarring.
3. Use mild cleansing products around the treated area during bath time, remembering to keep the treated are protected and dry (band-aids may assist with protection during the cleansing process,however be sure that the band aids are not affixed to any parts of the treated areas).
4. Use a gentle massaging motion when cleansing and patting motion when drying the skin.
5. Refrain from applying makeup for at least 24hours, although its preferable to wait until the skin is completely healed.
6. Refrain from using products or receiving treatments such as skin lightening, exfoliation and peeling techniques for a minimum of 14 days post healing.
7. The average healing time is 6 days. In some cases you may notice that your skincare practitioner has immediately removed larger skin irregularities. In this case, please continue to be gentle and follow the directions above as the skin is still undergoing a healing phase. Other treated areas may darken and scab and fall off, in some cases it can take as long as 10-14 days. Gentle daily cleansing after the "no touch" period will assist the skin with healing faster.