Daily Schedule
12:15-12:45 Lunch on the Lawn (weather-permitting; We will meet inside otherwise.)
12:45-1:15 Chapel in the Church (songs, story, Career/Life Lesson speaker)
1:15-1:55 Recess/PE
1:55-2:00 Roll Call and Transition
2:00-2:55 Group A Tribe Art Time and Group B Choir
2:55-3:00 Roll Call and Transition
3:00-3:55 Group A Choir and Group B Tribe Art Time
3:55-4:00 Roll Call and Dismissal
Choir and Tribe Time will be divided into two group:
- Group A
- Made up of five tribes: Alligators, Butterflies, Baboons, Cats, and Cheetahs
- Roughly ages 3-9
- Group B
- Made up of six tribes: Dolphins, Dragonflies, Eagles, Elks, Flamingoes, and Falcons.
- Roughly ages 10-16.