Our Club's mission is to promote preservation, understanding, restoration and appreciation of vehicles produced by the former Oldsmobile Division of General Motors through promotional events and Chapter functions.
The Oldsmobile Club of Arizona is an official Chapter of the Oldsmobile Club of America (OCA). However, it is important to know that they are separate clubs requiring separate dues. There are many benefits to membership in joining both clubs. Many of our members have a vast knowledge of many models, years and parts availability which can help you restore or maintain your Oldsmobile. Also, our website has quarterly newsletters, calendar of Club events and a members rides section with pictures. We also hold our annual Car Show each year in March. 2024 will be our "36th Annual"!
Oldsmobile ownership is NOT REQUIRED, but there is no better way to find one then being a member of the Oldsmobile Club of Arizona, or the National Chapter.
Our Club holds monthly meetings on the 3rd Saturday of each month througout the year, with the exception of June-August. September we get back in to the swing of car season here in Arizona.Meetings take place monthly in Club Row and times vary depending on weather. Some months we gather from 8-1, some months we gather from 11-5, the meeting meetings happen at either 11am or 3pm.
Please provide the information requested so we have all the data to enter you into our system. If you have more cars than there is room for, you can send an email to arizonaoldsclub@gmail.com and provide the complete list of Oldsmobiles you own. If for some reason you are not great with online payment transactions, please mail a check to:
Make checks out for the $25- annual dues and payable to:
Oldsmobile Club of Arizona
Send to:
Attn: Dan Anderson | Oldsmobile Club of Arizona | 1842 E Campbell Ave Gilbert, AZ 85234
During the year, we have several outings and the Club will pick up a portion of attendees lunches, or even the entire cost. We also have a Holiday gathering at a local restaraunt and pick up most of the tab for that as well. Lastly, we host an annual "pre-car show" dinner" and pick up the tab for all car show attendees, the night before our annual car show. The membership basically pays for itself if you go on just one of these outings. Dues will renew on January 1st each year and be good for the year.