Legal name
Phone Number
Date Of Birth: MM/DD/YYYY
Used for background check purposes only
A valid driver's License is required:
Current auto insurance policy number
Email Address
Current home Address
Please include any apartment #.
Are you seeking Full-time Employment?
Our current positions are Full-time five (5) days a week.
Highest level of Education completed (High school, Jr College, University), and primary field of study?
Are you legally allowed to work with minors?
Have you ever had a founded report of child abuse?
Do you currently have a felony on record?
If your charge was vacated, please have your documents ready (needed for background check).
Are you able to pass an FBI background check?
Some charges are automatic disqualifiers. Please investigate before applying.
Please share two (2) non-family business references
Please inform them of our call
List your most recent position
Employer #1
Business Address (if known)
Type "Unknown" if business no longer exists
Supervisor Name
Position Title
Hours Worked per Week
Please explain the duties you performed.
Please give as much detail as possible
Last monthly salary
Please explain the reason you left or need to leave
Please give as much detail as possible.
Are you willing and able to cover someone else's shift if they are unable to work or come in as scheduled? Type Y or N
Our entire team supports each other and you will be expected to do this as well.
Are you willing to be in the community and other locations for more than four (4) hours (when permitted) with the children? Type Y or N
This is ALL about the children. This is not a sit, watch TV, and play games on your phone all day, position.
Can we count on you to have positive communication and support when things are challenging for your co-workers? Type Y or N
Our team is VERY focused on supporting each other.
What is the greatest expectation you have for this position?
Tell us what you are looking for.
Share non-family references (Please inform them of our call).
Business Reference #1 (they must vouch for your work ethic)
Name of person
Business Reference #2 (they must vouch for your work ethic)
Name of person
Please explain why you desire to work with children/teens experiencing Intellectual and Developmental Disabilitie (I/DD)?
Please give as much detail as possible
Please explain what methods you use to support children/teens with I/DD?
Please give as much detail as possible
Please explain how you would respond to children/teens when they become upset, or verbally and physically combative.
Please give as much detail as possible
If hired, how do you intend to consistenly support the children/teens Turmont serves?
Please give as much detail as possible
Cooking wholesome meals and cleaning the house are very important necessities to the children/teens Turmont serves. Please explain your experiences with meeting these kinds of needs?
Please give as much detail as possible
By typing your name below, you confirm that the above information is true and without error.
Should be Empty: