PARENT CONSENT: I hereby give my consent for my child {name4} to participate in the intramural/interscholastic {typeA9} (sport) program sponsored by The Abraham Joshua Heschel School.
I understand that interscholastic sports are designed to instill values such as respect, self-worth, cooperative effort, and ethical decision-making in students. To that end, I understand the importance of practice attendance to my child’s growth, development, and success on the team, as well as to earning playtime.
I also understand that by joining a sports team, my child has committed to adhering to the guidelines and discipline set by the coaches and Athletic Department. I understand that behavioral expectations encompass the following values and actions: Respect, Sportsmanship, Teamwork, Accountability, Responsibility, and Commitment. I understand that violations of team/school policy or failure to maintain good academic standing may result in appropriate intervention including, but not limited to:
- Verbal warning from the coaching staff
- Loss in starting role or playing time
- Parental meeting
- Suspension from game or practice
- Dismissal from team for repeated or severe violation as determined by coaching staff and school administration
I understand that playing time is earned and is at the coaches’ discretion. Playing time and players’ roles are not set and may vary throughout the course of a season.
I also understand that it is necessary for my child to have an approved medical certificate for school competition on file in the school before trying out, practicing, or competing in intramural/interscholastic athletic activities. While the coaching staff and other responsible school officials will do everything within reason to protect my child against injury, I understand that injuries may occur and on a very rare occasion, may be serious. I understand that in the event that my child becomes sick, or receives an injury during athletic participation, all reasonable efforts will be made to contact me and obtain any required consent for medical care. In situations where I cannot or be contacted for specific consent to treatment, and such delay creates risk to my child's life or health, I hereby authorize the school representatives to obtain appropriate medical care and treatment for my child, including temporary pain relief to the extent deemed medically appropriate by the treating physician. I also authorize the school representatives to receive and release medical information regarding my child to the extent necessary for medical care and to inform the school of any change in my child's medical or physical condition that develops or is discovered at any time after the date this document is signed.
I am also aware that athletic participation may involve travel for practices and games. All participants are required to travel with their teams to and from all contests. Please check the conditions that will apply to this student for dismissal from practices and games.
By signing this consent form, I {parentguardianName} have read the expectations and acknowledge the importance of the discipline and values the Athletic Department aims to foster, which contribute to a positive and enriching Heschel experience for my child.