Indiana's Results Driven Accountability (RDA) System: Perspectives and Reflections
Thank you for being a part of the effort to reflect upon and strengthen Indiana's Results Driven Accountability (RDA) system. The purpose of this survey is to gather stakeholder perspectives on the current system and consider whether any changes are needed moving forward to ensure the state is supporting districts to improve results while also ensuring compliance with IDEA. To inform this work together, please respond to the following questions based on your knowledge of and experience with Indiana's RDA system. You can skip any questions you'd like. Your input will be kept confidential and will only be shared in the aggregate to inform our work together. Please note that you should complete the survey in one sitting; responses cannot be saved part-way through.We appreciate your partnership and contributions to this effort!
What is your role?
Please Select
Parent/Family member
Special Education administrator
School administrator
General Education teacher
Special Education teacher
Related service provider
Advocacy organization
Indiana Resource Network technical assistance provider
Indiana's Results Driven Accountability (RDA) system effectively holds local education agencies (LEAs) accountable for improving compliance with IDEA.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Don't Know/Unsure
Indiana's RDA system effectively holds LEAs accountable for improving outcomes for students with disabilities.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Don't Know/Unsure
Indiana's RDA system strikes the right balance between a focus on compliance and a focus on improving student outcomes.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Don't Know/Unsure
The goals and purpose of Indiana's RDA system are clear to me.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Don't Know/Unsure
What would you consider to be the strengths of Indiana's RDA system?
If you could recommend changes to Indiana's RDA system, what would they be?
Indiana's current RDA Matrix includes the right scored data points.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Don't Know/Unsure
Indiana's current RDA Matrix includes the right non-scored data points.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Don't Know/Unsure
Please select the results indicators you feel should be included as a scored component of the RDA Matrix (Check all that apply).
Graduation Rate
Dropout Rate
Least Restrictive Environment (5A: Students in the General Education setting 80% or more of the day)
Least Restrictive Environment (5B: Student in the General Education setting less than 40% of the day)
Least Restrictive Environment (5C: Student in the separate schools, residential facilities, homebound/hospital placements)
Preschool Environments (6A: Regular early childhood program and receiving a majority of special education and related services in the regular early childhood program)
Preschool Environments (6B: Separate special education class, separate school, or residential facility)
Preschool Environments (6C: Receiving special education and related services in the home)
Parent Involvement
Post School Outcomes
Overall, how effective do you feel Indiana's current support to LEAs is in helping them improve compliance and/or student results?
Not effective at all
Somewhat effective
Very Effective
Don't Know/Unsure
What recommendations would you offer the Indiana Department of Education in regards to technical assistance (TA) or professional development (PD)?
Do you have any other thoughts, reflections, feedback, or suggestions to offer the Indiana Department of Education as it considers improvements to its RDA system?
Should be Empty: