APPOINTMENTS: Therapy appointments are scheduled as needed for approximately 50 minutes per session. 24 hours advance notice is requested for cancellation of a scheduled appointment. Clients are expected to pay for any missed appointments or sessions cancelled with less than 24 hour notice. Health insurance does not pay for missed or cancelled sessions.
FEES AND PAYMENT: Our usual and customary fee is $150 per individual therapy session and $60 per 90-minute group therapy session. If you have health insurance, our office will do the insurance billing on your behalf. Health insurance policies vary in their coverage and rates, so we will need to verify your benefits. We will discuss fee and payment details during your first appointment. Please be advised that the benefits information we receive from insurance companies is not always reliable, and payment of all fees (including deductibles, co-payments, and charges not paid by your health insurance) is ultimately your responsibility.
CONFIDENTIALITY: All services are strictly confidential. No information about you will be released to any other person without your consent. The only exceptions, as required by law, are when there is reason to believe that abuse or neglect of a child or elderly adult may have occurred, or if you indicate intent to harm yourself or someone else, or if information is requested by a court order.
PROFESSIONAL DISCLOSURE: Vermont licensed mental health professionals are required to provide information to patients about their qualifications and training. Your therapist will give you the disclosure form and ask you to sign indicating you have received the information.
If you have concerns about any aspect of our services, please discuss them with your therapist. You are also encouraged to speak with Dr. Foxman about any concerns. If you believe you have a valid complaint and wish to file with the appropriate authorities, you may follow the procedure posted in the waiting room. Copies of this information are available upon request.
SERVICES TO CHILDREN: When child services are requested by a separated or divorced parent, it is understood and agreed that any therapy information or records will be released to the other parent only upon written request, absent a determination solely by the therapist as to the appropriateness of the request. Please also note that we will not take sides in a divorce dispute and by your signature below you agree not to request that we write letters or testify as to custody or visitation arrangements.
SIGNATURE: My signature below indicates that I understand and agree to the above policies.