Contractor Agreement* Terms and conditions
DRIVING RESPONSIBILITY - If you are engage to provide your serveces for a driving role you must possess a valid driving licence, which should be carried at all times.
You must comply with regulations under the traffic act, any poor driving habits can potentially damage the client’s image and jeapodise your contract agreement.
You agree to enter this agreement as an indipendant contractor and will provide your own property damage, public liability & workers compensation insurance.
Any fines or unauthorised toll notices damage to any property or goods will be redirected and issued to the inipendent contactor.
Vehicle excess of $1500 + GST for van / $2500 + GST for 4.5 tonne truck for each and every incident that needs to go through insurance will be paid by the driver.
Pay is 3 weeks in arrears, unless otherwise specified, week 1 payment made on week 3 (paid on Fridays.)
If you so choose to work directly on indirectly with any clients introduced by Esqo transport you agree to forfeit any payment in arrears.
Medical certificates would need to be produced for time off due to sickness. The driver is responsible for their own taxes and is engaged as a contractor.