When is the clinic offered?
10.00am-13.00pm fortnightly at CatStrand, High Street, New Galloway, DG7 3RN.
What is the difference between an initial consultation and a follow-up?
An initial consultation is the first appointment with the homeopath. You will be allocated 60 mins of time. There will be a considerable amount of questions to get the best information about you as a person as well as the health issue you have come in for treatment. A follow-up will take 30 minutes and will fine-tune on the information gained in the initial consultation and changes in your health and well- being since the last appointment.
What is the cost of an appointment?
Consultations are free but patients are encouraged to make a donation to help secure the long-term future of the clinic.
How do I book my appointment?
To book appointments please follow this link https://homeopathy-uk.org/book-an-appointment-dumfries-and-galloway/
Or call 0203 640 5903, option 1, option 1.
Who is providing care at the clinic?
Elaine Hamilton is the homeopath running the clinic and has extensive experience in homeopathy.
How is the clinic charitable?
The clinic is meant to enable access to homeopathy for anyone, given NHS services have been stripped bare and everyone should have the ability to benefit from homeopathy. The usual cost of an initial consultation is between £75-£200 and a follow-up £45- £150. The donation we ask patients to make is to ensure people value the service and ideally allow us to recoup costs for the room rented to provide the clinic. The clinic is run and funded by Homeopathy UK (registered charity 235900) and co-funded by SHRET.
What can be treated with homeopathy?
Many people can attest to positive results using it to assist in the relief of migraines, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, skin problems, ear infections, recurrent health issues, sleeplessness, hayfever, sport injuries and many other issues. See our conditions directory
Can children benefit from homeopathy?
Yes, children can benefit from homeopathy and given how homeopathic medicines are produced it is very safe. Pregnant women can also take homeopathic medicines without issue to help with many pregnancy related issues, such as morning sickness, cramps, etc.
Is there evidence homeopathy works?
Yes there is certainly evidence. To find out more go to Homeopathy Research Institute’s website https://www.hri-research.org
We recommend that individuals seek advice from their healthcare practitioner on their health conditions before seeking homeopathic treatment.
How will I get my medicine?
Your first remedy is free of charge and will be sent from a homeopathic pharmacy called Freemans.
After the follow up consultation the homeopath will prescribe a homeopathic medicine. It will be sent by post to you. If usually arrives within two days. You will be invoiced for the medicine and will need to pay for the prescription. The amount is usually between £7- £18
What if I have questions?
The information in the post-appointment pack provides loads of useful information about taking your remedy, how to contact the homeopaths, what do to in an emergency, etc.