This form addresses the requirements and expectations for being part of an EMDR group. It must be read and signed in addition to the EMDR Informed Consent Form which goes into detail about what to expect from EMDR treatment.
We respect each and everyone's right to privacy and confidentiality and we shall make sure to maintain it that way. Certain limitations to your confidentiality are as follows:
1. Threat to personal life or another person's life.
2. Disclosure of sexual, physical or emotional abuse towards a minor or elderly person.
Sharing in a group can be anxiety-provoking; therefore we ask that you keep all information discussed in this group confidential. This request means that you may not discuss the identity or identifying information, or share the reactions of any member of this group with anyone outside of the group. You may talk about your own personal reactions, and are even encouraged to do so outside of group, but not about others’ identifying information or reactions.
Payment is $35 and is due at the time of service. This is an open group, which means that members can begin and end it at any time. Members will get the most out of the group by attending regularly and much of the information and skills taught will be built upon; however, each individual group session will be of benefit to the member even if their attendance is irregular. Attending regularly could also result in building closer connections with other group members and also having more accountability with following through on goals and action steps. Group members can also learn a lot from interacting with different people as they come in and out of the group.
The group will begin and end on time. One group session lasts for 1.5 hours. The main content of the group will last for one hour and 15 min, leaving the last 15 min to ask the group facilitator questions and to gather up materials. Group members are encouraged to be on time and to also respect the facilitator’s time when the 1.5 hour is over. If a group member is late they can go down the stairs that are on the backside of the building. We will try to keep the door propped open if we know that someone will be late. Knock on the door if it is locked.
1. Discussions had within the group session are confidential, should not be recorded, nor shared outside of the group.
2. Members should maintain positivity and not induce disrespect among others.
3. Members should not be inebriated during group time.
4. Members should maintain conduct that brings respect to fellow members' thoughts, emotions, or behavior.
5. Members will be cognizant to take appropriate time in sharing their thoughts/ideas so that all group members will have time to participate.
6. Members are expected to arrive on time in order to not disrupt the group.
No group member is ever to be humiliated or abused in any way. We encourage members to engage in active listening, with the aim of listening for deep understanding as opposed to listening to respond. We will respect others’ differences, religious beliefs, cultures, gender identities and sexual orientation. We are committed to embrace and celebrate diversity in all its richness, and to invest in creating a community based on mutual respect, understanding and openness. As a part of the group, we expect that we will support each other in the process of self exploration around issues of diversity and other personal difficulties, challenging our own biases and engaging in courageous dialogues for growth.
Learn stabilization and grounding skills
Encouragement to share various positive experiences
Individually processing trauma (with BLS) through guided instruction from the facilitator
Receive support from other group members
Group EMDR alone is not adequate in treating serious psychiatric disorders. If you are dealing with severe triggers, suicidal ideation, panic attacks, domestic violence, or other serious issues, you agree to access additional appropriate resources outside of this group setting, such as individual therapy. The group facilitator will not be held liable if you fail to get additional support.
This group will involve many live guided meditations in order to practice skills and to integrate information being taught and discussed. The meditations will be recorded during the group sessions without showing group members. The recordings will then be made available for members to use for their own personal use at home and to share with others on social media.
Members are not required to talk in the group, but the more you put in, the more benefits you will receive. I will encourage you to talk honestly about your feelings as opposed to sharing details of stories. I will ask you to do this because not everyone can relate to a life experience, but everyone can understand feelings (e.g., fear, happiness, anger). We realize that asking you to focus on your feelings can be difficult or frustrating at times. However, part of the challenge and benefit of the group is to learn new ways of making deeper connections with others.
Mindful Journey Counseling Services is a private practice located within Tru Regenerative Healthcare at 1975 Martha Ave. Suite B, Idaho Falls, ID. You can call the main office number at 208-932-4475 if you have questions about making payments.
If you have questions about our group schedule or want to notify me that you may miss a group or that you will be late you can text me at 208-557-1131. If you have other questions please try to save them for our group sessions instead of contacting me during the week. If you have a personal question or issue that you would like to address with me we can set up a phone consultation for a small fee.
Group sessions will sometimes involve engaging in mindful movements such as Qigong. Members are encouraged, but not required to participate in these physical activities. By signing below, a group member agrees to not hold the group facilitator responsible if an injury results from the movement and to release her from any claims of liability.
I agree to adhere to the norms and expectations for Support Groups at Mindful Journey Counseling Services as indicated above.