Please read carefully the following information and sign as to your agreement and acknowledgment.
Because we believe that education is only possible when there is support in the home, we ask the parents of Deeper Root Academy students to renew their commitment to our Parent Covenant each year. The following is the covenant that we ask parents to sign:
In recognition of the promises of Deeper Root Academy to provide an outstanding Christ-centered education, and that my child's success in school depends largely on my support and involvement:
• I accept the school's mission statement, beliefs, and strategies of education that are in accordance with the Word of God and Biblical virtues.
• I agree to support the school in upholding its rules and policies as outlined in the Parent/StudentHandbook.
As a parent, I am responsible for the behavior and actions of my child.
• I will support the authority and any disciplinary action issued by Deeper Root Academy staff. I understand that disagreeing with staff discipline may happen, however I will not undermine the authority of the staff when discussing the discipline with my child/children.
• I will support the school in maintaining a high standard of Christian conduct for its students. I acknowledge that should my child/children's behavior, while under the supervision of school personnel, become incompatible with the standards of Deeper Root Academy, normal disciplinary procedure will apply. However, depending upon the severity of the infraction, it may be considered grounds for suspension or expulsion.
• I will practice the principle found in Matthew 18, resolving difficulties with school personnel directly. If the conflict is unresolved, I/we will discuss the matter with the next person in authority.
The line of authority is as follows: Teacher, Principal, and lastly Executive Director.
• I agree to participate in mandatory parent activities, including parent-teacher conferences.
• I agree to pay my child's tuition and do so in a timely manner.
• I agree to provide a supportive, educational environment for my child, which includes:
1. Making sure my child arrives at Deeper Root Academy daily by the start of school.
2. Making sure my child follows the Deeper Root Academy dress code.
3. Checking my child's homework every night and working with my child to help guide his/her progress.
I understand that the Deeper Root Academy Parent/Student Handbook is not intended to cover every situation that may arise during the school year, but is a general guide to the goals, policies, and expectations of the academy. Furthermore, I understand the Executive Director and/or Board of Directors have the authority as the administration of the said private school, Deeper Root Academy, to make all decisions regarding the school (facilities, instruction, discipline, curriculum, activities) faculty/staff, students, and enrollment. Failure to adhere to these commitments can cause my child to lose various privileges and can lead to my child's removal from Deeper Root Academy.
1.The Bible is God's truth and reveals the only way to know reality and fulfillment in life.
2. Because each student is created in the image of God with unique physical, social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual gifts, he/she is a valued individual within the community whose primary purpose is to glorify God.
3. The student will model what he/she sees; therefore, by God's grace, all faculty and staff should strive to be Christian role models.
4. A variety of instructional strategies and learning activities should provide appropriate challenges for all DRA students.
5. Aspects of our educational program will be taught from a Biblical perspective.
(/Bible/Chapel/Character Ed).
6. The student is personally responsible and accountable for his behavior and personal integrity.
7. The student learns most effectively in a safe, structured, healthy environment.
8. DRA works in partnership with parents/guardians in education, yet the parental responsibility for the child's academic and spiritual development is at home.
9. The commitment to continuous school improvement is imperative in order to enable each student to become a confident, self-directed, life-long learner.
10. DRA emphasizes spiritual development and academic excellence as a means to glorify God in a global society.
My acknowledgement means I support the educational structure of Deeper Root Academy.