Vermont Historical Society Internship Application
Thanks for your interest in interning with the Vermont Historical Society! Please fill out the form below and we'll follow up with you. You can view a list of currently available internship positions here: If any departments are open to general inquiry internships with unspecified projects, they will be listed below as "General Inquiry - [Department]."
First Name
Last Name
Are you over 18?
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Which internship opportunity are you interested in? (You can select multiple options, but please make sure your skills and interests match them.)
General Inquiry - Fall 2024
We have opportunities available in several areas. Please check off any of the areas that you would be interested in.
Museum education
Object collections
Library & archives
I am a...
Please Select
High School Student
College Student
Graduate Student
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Are you currently enrolled as a student? If so, please indicate the name of your institution and a major or degree if applicable.
Will this internship be for academic credit?
Will you be receiving internship funding through your academic institution?
Yes, I have already applied and have secured funding.
Yes, I have already applied but don't know yet whether I'm funded.
Yes, I intend to apply but have not yet done so.
No, I will not be receiving funding from my institution.
Do you have any deadlines that we need to meet in order to ensure credit or funding for you? Please be as explicit and specific as possible.
Why are you interested in this internship opportunity? You can talk about interests, hobbies, academic research, or past experience that might be relevant. If you want to apply for multiple opportunities, you can address them all here. You don't need to write a full essay, just give us a sense of your motivation and interest.
Do you have a resume? If so, please upload it here. You can also upload any other documents that you feel might help support your application.
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