//個人資料保護聲明,免責聲明 和 隱私權政策個人資料保護聲明// 為了促進台灣鞋業商機媒合與知識訊息交流,台灣製鞋工業同業公會委託慕寧行銷顧問有限公司,建立《台灣鞋業採購名錄》,以協助廠商拓銷市場。為尊重並致力保護您的個人隱私及個人資料,依個人資料保護法第8條規定,告知以下事項:1. 蒐集目的 協助台灣鞋業相關廠商商機媒合與知識訊息交流、其他公共部門與行業公協會執行相關業務;展覽推廣及管理;網路購物及其他電子商務服務;客戶管理與服務;中小企業及其他產業之輔導;教育或訓練行政;圖書出版品管理;廣告或商業行為管理;行銷;契約、類似契約或其他法律關係事務;商業與技術資訊;資(通)訊服務;資(通)訊與資料庫管理;資通安全與管理;調查、統計與研究分析;以及非公務機關依法定義務所進行個人資料之蒐集處理及利用等。 2. 個人資料類別 識別類、社會情況、及/或其他各類依蒐集目的所必要之個人資料等。 3. 個人資料處理、利用之期間、地區、對象及方式 (一) 期間:個人資料蒐集之特定目的存續期間、或依相關法令或契約約定之保存年限、或本公司因執行業務所必須之保存期間(較法令或契約約定期間長者),或另經您同意之較長期間。 (二) 地區:包括中華民國、未受中央目的事業主管機關限制之國際傳輸個人資料之接收者所在地、個人資料利用對象之所在地,以及本公司業務往來機構之所在地。 (三) 對象:您的資料可能會提供給本公司的代理人、簽約人、提供線上付款認證或其他相關服務之服務供應商、及合作夥伴(例如各收單銀行、各支付或收付款服務提供機構、各物流業者、各認證服務業者、及其他與本公司合作的交易平臺)、未受中央目的事業主管機關限制之國際傳輸個人資料之接收者、其他與本公司有業務往來之機構、法院、及/或政府主管機關。 (四) 方式:以自動化機器或其他非自動化之方式為蒐集、處理、利用與國際傳輸。 4. 依個人資料保護法規定得行使之權利與方式 就您的個人資料,依個人資料保護法規定,您有權:(1) 查詢或請求閱覽、及請求製給複製本,本公司得酌收必要成本費用;(2) 請求補充或更正,惟依法您應為適當之釋明;(3) 請求停止蒐集、處理或利用、及請求刪除,但因本公司執行職務或業務所必須者,得依法不依您的請求為之;及(4)如利用您的個人資料行銷時,您得表示拒絕接受行銷。如您欲行使上述權利,敬請 email 至 munin.mcl@gmail.com 或致電慕寧行銷顧問有限公司 886-971-856-550 ; 886-928-937-198。 5. 不提供個人資料所致權益之影響 如不同意提供資料,將無法接受本公司所提供之服務。 6. 已確認所提供之個人資料真實且正確;如事後有異動情形,將即檢具相關證明文件送交本公司辦理更正。免責聲明 對於《台灣鞋業採購名錄》所提供或經由合作行業公協會所取得之各項訊息或資料,慕寧行銷顧問有限公司未就其正確性、時效性、適用性及可靠性為任何表述或判斷。所有資料內容都是依「現況」及「現有」基礎提供,慕寧行銷顧問有限公司明確宣告不作任何明示或默示之擔保(保證),其中包括但不限於商業適售性、特定目的之適用性及未侵害他人權利。 任何使用者均必須自行承擔使用《台灣鞋業採購名錄》之風險。在任何情況下,慕寧行銷顧問有限公司對於(1)使用或無法使用《台灣鞋業採購名錄》各項服務;(2)經由《台灣鞋業採購名錄》取得訊息或進行交易;(3)第三人在《台灣鞋業採購名錄》上之陳述或作為;以及(4)其他與《台灣鞋業採購名錄》服務有關之事項所致生之任何直接、間接、附帶、特別、懲罰性或衍生性損害,一概不負賠償責任。隱私權政策 本隱私權政策說明慕寧行銷顧問有限公司使用和保護經由《台灣鞋業採購名錄》(網址:hhttps://munintw.weebly.com)(「本名錄」)收集資料之政策與方法。本名錄之隱私權保護係依照中華民國個人資料保護法,所有使用者均受本隱私權政策保障,且於開始使用本名錄時,即表示同意本內容規定之隱私權政策。 定義 您與慕寧行銷顧問有限公司簽訂之合約中定義之名詞,若使用於本隱私權政策內,應具有相同之意義(但本政策另有明示規定或因上下文需求者,不在此限)。 資料蒐集之目的 慕寧行銷顧問有限公司可能會為其提供之查詢慕寧行銷顧問有限公司的展覽、活動相關資訊及本名錄之其他服務,以及慕寧行銷顧問有限公司之行銷服務和特別活動等目的,或您同意之其他目的,蒐集訪客資料。資料之類別 在營運本名錄時,我們可能會收集且處理以下與您有關的資料: 1.因填寫我們加入名錄之表格而提供之資料,例如,於加入本名錄時提供之資料,包括但不限於您的姓名、地址、電話/傳真號碼、手機號碼、電子郵件、公司簡介、產品類別、產品目錄、帳單資料、信用卡號、支票或匯票之到期日和相關資料,以及與您有關的其他營業資料。2.訪問本名錄之詳細內容以及存取之資源,包括但不限於流量資料、地點資料、weblogs和其他傳送之資料。 3.因故透過本名錄與我們或其他人聯絡時,提供給我們或其他人之資料。4.其他您提供給本名錄或我們的資料。 資料利用之期間、地區、對象及方式 慕寧行銷顧問有限公司針對經本名錄提供之所有個人資料,均符合台灣個資法之保密政策,且慕寧行銷顧問有限公司將依據您與慕寧行銷顧問有限公司間之協議,使用及/或發布提供之資料。 您的個人資料將由慕寧行銷顧問有限公司保留,至您正式要求我們删除您的個人資料為止,但法律另有規定者,不在此限。 本名錄收集之資料,可能會儲存於慕寧行銷顧問有限公司營運之任何國家及於該國家內進行處理,當您使用本名錄後,您即同意得將資料傳遞至您本國以外之地區。 慕寧行銷顧問有限公司可能會將您的資料提供給其代理人、簽約人、提供線上付款認證或其他相關服務之服務供應商、及/或合作夥伴(例如各收單銀行、各支付或收付款服務提供機構、各物流業者、各認證服務業者、及其他與本會合作的交易平臺)以提供本名錄之服務。有時,我們會為提供服務和提供網站使用之統計資料給我們的合作夥伴,而收集與您有關的電腦資料。 我們得利用cookie檔案收集與您有關的一般網路使用資料。使用時,這些cookies會自動下載至您的電腦中,該cookie檔案係儲存於您的電腦硬碟上,以儲存移轉至您的電腦硬碟上之資料,協助我們改進我們的網站和提供給您的服務。您得拒絕我們利用cookies,您只要開啓瀏覽器上的相關設定,即能拒絕cookies。請注意,若您選擇拒絕cookies,可能無法存取我們資料庫上的特定部分內容。本名錄之第三服務提供人亦可利用cookies,我們並未進行控管,因此,當您使用該第三服務提供人經本名錄提供之服務時,該cookies(若有)可能會被下載。 查詢和修正 就您的個人基本資料,您有權查詢或請求閱覽、請求製給複製本、請求補充或更正、請求停止蒐集、處理或利用、請求刪除,但法律另有規定者,不在此限。未提供資料對您權益之影響 如您未提供相關資料,您可能無法享有本名錄所提供的服務或達成您使用本名錄之目的,例如,您可能無法於本名錄順利進行資料查詢。 本隱私權政策之變更 若本隱私權政策有任何變更,我們會在本名錄加入網頁上張貼修正和新版之隱私權政策。該修正和新版之隱私權政策經張貼後將立即生效,但我們另有規定者,不在此限。您同意,本名錄收集之所有資料(無論在新政策生效前或後收集之資料),均應受當時生效之最新隱私權政策規範。您若不同意本隱私權政策之最新變更,應以書面聯絡慕寧行銷顧問有限公司,並特別要求慕寧行銷顧問有限公司歸還及/或銷毀其所持有與您有關之個人資料的所有複製本。 語言 如本隱私權政策之其他翻譯版本與繁體中文版本有任何歧異,以繁體中文版本為準。 問題或建議 您若有任何問題或建議,請以電子郵件寄至:• 台灣製鞋工業同業公會:tfma-allen@umail.hinet.net • 慕寧行銷顧問有限公司:munin.mcl@gmail.com 按 START,代表您同意且遵守 個人資料保護聲明 , 免責聲明 和 隱私權政策 Personal Data Protection Statement,Disclaimer, and Privacy Policy **Personal Data Protection Statement** In order to facilitate businessopportunities matchmaking and knowledge exchange in the Taiwanese footwearindustry, the Taiwan Footwear Manufacturers Association has commissioned MuninMarketing Consultants Ltd. to establish the “Taiwan Footwear & Shoe MakingSuppliers Directory” to assist manufacturers in expanding their markets. Torespect and protect your personal privacy and data, in accordance with Article8 of the Personal Data Protection Act, we hereby inform you of the following: **1. Purpose of Data Collection**We collect personal data for the followingpurposes:- Facilitating business opportunitiesmatchmaking and knowledge exchange in the Taiwanese footwear industry- Execution of relevant business activitiesby other public sectors and industry associations- Exhibition promotion and management- Online shopping and other e-commerceservices- Customer management and service- Counseling for small and medium-sizedenterprises and other industries- Administrative functions for education ortraining- Management of books and publications- Advertising or commercial activitiesmanagement- Marketing- Contract, similar contract, or otherlegal relationship affairs- Business and technical information- Information and communication services- Information and database management- Information and communication securityand management- Investigation, statistics, and researchanalysis- Collection, processing, and utilizationof personal data as required by non-governmental organizations under statutoryobligations, and more. **2. Categories of Personal Data**The types of personal data we may collectinclude identification information, social circumstances, and any othernecessary personal data based on the collection purposes. **3. Period, Location, Recipients, andMethods of Processing Personal Data**- Period: The data will be retained for thespecific purposes of data collection, or according to the retention periodspecified by relevant laws or contracts, or the necessary retention periodrequired by our company for business operations (whichever is longer), or anylonger period with your consent.- Location: This includes the Republic ofChina (Taiwan), the location of the recipients of international transfers ofpersonal data not subject to restrictions by central competent authorities, thelocation of personal data utilization subjects, and the location of ourcompany's business partners.- Recipients: Your data may be provided toour company's agents, signatories, service providers for online paymentcertification or other related services, and partners (such as acquiring banks,payment or payment service providers, logistics companies, certificationservice providers, and other transaction platforms in cooperation with ourcompany), recipients of international transfers of personal data not subject torestrictions by central competent authorities, other organizations withbusiness dealings with our company, courts, and/or government competentauthorities.- Methods: Data collection, processing,utilization, and international transfer may be conducted by automated machinesor non-automated means. **4. Rights and Methods of ExercisingRights as Provided by the Personal Data Protection Act**Under the Personal Data Protection Act, youhave the right to:- Inquire or request to access and requestthe production of copies of your personal data (our company may chargenecessary costs for this)- Request supplementation or correction,but you should provide appropriate explanations according to the law- Request to stop collecting, processing,or using, and request deletion. However, if it is necessary for our company toperform its duties or business, we may not comply with your request accordingto the law- When using your personal data formarketing purposes, you may express refusal to accept marketing. To exercisethe above rights, please email munin.mcl@gmail.com or call Munin MarketingConsultants Ltd. at 886-971-856-550; 886-928-937-198. **5. Impact of Not Providing PersonalData**If you do not agree to provide your data,you will not be able to receive the services provided by our company. **6. Confirmation of the Accuracy ofProvided Personal Data**You confirm that the personal data providedis true and correct. In case of any changes afterwards, you will promptlyprovide relevant supporting documents to our company for correction. **Disclaimer** Regarding the information and data providedin the “Taiwan Footwear & Shoe Making Suppliers Directory” or obtainedthrough cooperation with industry associations, Munin Marketing ConsultantsLtd. makes no representations or judgments regarding their accuracy,timeliness, applicability, or reliability. All content is provided on an"as-is" and "as-available" basis, and Munin MarketingConsultants Ltd. expressly disclaims any express or implied warranties,including but not limited to merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose,and non-infringement of others' rights. Any user shall assume the risk of using the“Taiwan Footwear & Shoe Making Suppliers Directory” in any circumstances.In no event shall Munin Marketing Consultants Ltd. be liable for any direct,indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential damages arising from(1) the use or inability to use various services of the "Taiwan FootwearProcurement Directory," (2) obtaining information or conducting transactionsthrough the "Taiwan Footwear Procurement Directory," (3) statementsor actions of third parties on the "Taiwan Footwear ProcurementDirectory," and (4) other matters related to the “Taiwan Footwear &Shoe Making Suppliers Directory” services. **Privacy Policy** This Privacy Policy explains the policiesand practices of Munin Marketing Consultants Ltd. regarding the use andprotection of data collected through the “Taiwan Footwear & Shoe MakingSuppliers Directory” (website: https://munintw.weebly.com) ("theDirectory"). All users are subject to this Privacy Policy in accordancewith the Personal Data Protection Act of the Republic of China (Taiwan), and byusing the Directory, you agree to abide by the provisions of this PrivacyPolicy. **Definitions**Terms defined in contracts between you andMunin Marketing Consultants Ltd. shall have the same meaning when used in thisPrivacy Policy. However, this is not limited to cases where this policyexplicitly provides otherwise or where the context requires otherwise. **Purpose of Data Collection**Munin Marketing Consultants Ltd. maycollect visitor data for purposes including but not limited to providinginformation about Munin Marketing Consultants Ltd.'s exhibitions and activitiesthrough the Directory, other services provided by the Directory, MuninMarketing Consultants Ltd.'s marketing services and special events, or otherpurposes agreed upon by you. The collected data may include but is not limitedto your name, address, phone/fax numbers, mobile phone number, email address,company profile, product categories, product catalogs, billing information,credit card numbers, check or promissory note expiration dates, and relatedinformation provided during the Directory registration process, as well as otherbusiness-related data. Additionally, Munin Marketing Consultants Ltd. maycollect and process detailed content of visits to the Directory and access toresources, including but not limited to traffic data, location data, weblogs,and other data transmitted. Data provided to Munin Marketing Consultants Ltd.or others when contacting Munin Marketing Consultants Ltd. or others throughthe Directory may also be collected. Other data provided by you to theDirectory or Munin Marketing Consultants Ltd. may also be collected. **Period, Location, Recipients, and Methodsof Data Utilization**All personal data provided through theDirectory is subject to the confidentiality policy of the Personal DataProtection Act of Taiwan, and Munin Marketing Consultants Ltd. will use and/ordisclose the provided data in accordance with the agreement between you andMunin Marketing Consultants Ltd. Your personal data will be retained by MuninMarketing Consultants Ltd. until you formally request the deletion of yourpersonal data. However, this does not apply if there are other legalrequirements. Data collected by the Directory may