I, First NameLast Name , agree to present my work as part of Spark! Youth Poetry Writing and Recitation Competition! a partnership between Nevada Humanities and the Las Vegas Book Festival. Program: Spark! Youth Poetry Writing and Recitation CompetitionProgram Dates: Saturday, October 19, 2024, 1:00 - 3:00 pm PST.Spark! online at nevadahumanities.orgPERMISSION TO PHOTOGRAPH, FILM, RECORD. REPRINT: By signing this release I agree to allow my likeness and the submitted poem to become part of the permanent collections of the Nevada Humanities archives where they may be made available to the public for scholarly and educational purposes. I understand that Nevada Humanities may edit, distribute, reproduce, publish, present, display, and broadcast my contribution, or any portion thereof, in exhibits, all media, print, and on the Internet, as well as any successor technologies, whether now existing or hereafter developed. I agree that Nevada Humanities may use my name, voice, and photographic likeness in connection with these activities. I authorize the duplication, presentation, and broadcast of these materials for non-profit, educational purposes. In doing so, I give my permission and perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide license to Nevada Humanities. I understand that Nevada Humanities may assign, license, and sublicense these rights to other entities for scholarly and educational uses without further approval on my part. By giving my permission and this license to Nevada Humanities, I do not give up any copyright that I may hold, or the rights inherent in creative works such as artworks,poetry, literature, songs, music or performance.Artists under 18 years – Parent or guardian must sign loan agreement, affirming their permission for the artist to participate.By signing below I agree to the uses and license of these materials as described above. I also agree to indemnify and save and hold Nevada Humanities harmless from any and all claims, causes of action, or liability arising from the performance of this agreement.