Celebrate your child's next birthday at the Coral Springs Museum of Art with a one-of-a-kind art experience! Children 5 and up can share a unique museum experience to celebrate their special day with hands-on activities designed by Museum professionals and educators. You will bring in your own decor, food, and beverages and we will bring the art.
The party package includes:
- Private party room in a functioning art studio reserved for 3 hours
- 1 hour long instructed art project with a museum artist
- Choice of art project (Drawing, Painting, or Mixed Media)
- Jumbo Birthday Card to be decorated by attendees
- Party hat created by a museum artist for the birthday Kid
- All art supplies included
- Free access to the museum’s gallery and outdoor sculpture gardens
Each 3 hour party runs as follows:
- 1st hour –
- Set up your decorations, unload gifts, refreshments, etc. (appoximently 30 mins)
- Mix with guest and create Jumbo Birthday Card (appoximently 30 mins)
- 2nd hour – Instructed art project with Professional Teaching Artist*
- 3rd hour – Gifts, Refreshments and clean up.**
*Teaching artist will clean up art area
**Renter is responsible for cleaning and clearing out the space in a timely manner.
No more than 4 chaperones, including the rentee and the alloted children, may attend the party due to the facility's occupancy requirements.
Requests for Parties must be at minimum four (4) weeks in advance but we recommend earlier. There are some limitations on decor; we will review your materials with you prior to confirming the booking date. Payment will be due in full at the time of confirmation.
Please remember this is a request, not a confirmation guarantee.