About Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital Foundation
Misson: The Mission of the Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital Foundation is to provide financial support to Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital and other medically needed projects in Valley County, ensuring that the medical services provided are of the highest quality.
The FMDH Foundation is an independent, non-profit charitable organization that was incorporated in 1982. It is governed by a dedicated board of directors while its day-to-day administration is managed by the Foundation Director. The Foundation is an integral part of the Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital and the community, helping to provide the latest technology, medical equipment, and training for FMDH, better medical equipment for community organizations, and scholarships to Valley County graduates studying in a medical field. At some point, all of us will come into contact with an item the FMDH Foundation was able to purchase because of the wonderful support of our donors. We have given over $2.2 million to Valley County in medical needs.
Who can apply for funds? Being that medical needs and equipment are at the heart of the Foundation's interest, any facility in Valley County that provides medical services may apply.