I certify that the facts contained in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any misleading or incorrect statements may render this application void, and if employed, would be cause for termination whenever discovered.
I authorize you to make such investigations and inquiries of my personal, employment, financial or other related matters as may be necessary in arriving at an employment decision. I further release all parties from any and all liability for any damages flowing from the gathering and issuing of this information.
I understand and agree that, if hired, my employment is at will and that it can be terminated at any time for any reason or for no reason at all.
Following a conditional offer of employment, if requested, I agree to submit myself for a physical examination (including blood, urine and other tests such as drug and alcohol tests) by persons designated by the company and to any future tests and/or examinations that the company may require. I further authorize the release of the results of any physical examination and/or drug/alcohol test to Malouf Construction LLC and release all parties from any and all liability in any way associated with or resulting from such physical examination and/or test and/or the reporting of the test results.
I have read the foregoing agreement and accept the terms therein stated.
Please sign below.