I, {name} ,
the undersigned participant, or as parent or guardian of the named participant, give my consent for myself or my son/daughter to participate in Martial Arts Classes, Seminars, Tournaments (including sparring in armor) or Demonstrations as a participant in the United States Naginata Federation and Greater New York Naginata Federation. I/he/she understand that Martial Arts including Naginata, involve physical activity and sparring involves physical contact from which injuries may occur. I waive any claims for negligence, physical injury and/or damages and acknowledge that I am, my son/daughter is, aware of the danger of physical injury necessarily attendant upon engaging in the physical activities of the Greater New York Naginata Federation and/or the United States Naginata Federation and any school, university, organizations or facility from which these organizations rent practice facilities, and hereby assume the risk for any illness or injury during the practice of Naginata. In case of medical emergency, I understand that every effort will be made to contact my family or designated emergency contact. In the event my family or designated emergency contact cannot be reached, I understand that I, or my son/daughter, will be treated at the closest health services facility available, and I hereby authorize emergency treatment for any injury to myself or my child. To the best of my knowledge am, my son/daughter is, in good health. I understand that in the event that I, or my son/daughter, does not comply with any dojo/club rules, I/he/she may be immediately asked to leave the ongoing activity.
And, I, {name} (the son/daughter) agree that in engaging in such Martial Arts activities, I/he/she does so at my/his/her own risk. And, that I/he/she fully assumes all responsibility for any injury or damages which may be sustained as a result of engaging in such activities. I fully release and absolve the Greater New York Naginata Federation and its officers and instructors from any liability or responsibility and waive any claims, or right to claim, against the Greater New York Naginata Federation and its officers and instructors arising from or connected with any injuries or damages resulting from engaging in any physical activities in the Greater New York Naginata Federation.
This release and waiver shall apply whether or not such physical injury is sustained while participating in the physical activity or is anywhere within the vicinity wherin such activity is being conducted, the risk assumed herein applying to the entire area in or about the conduct of such activity, regardless of physical location. Moreover, the Greater New York Naginata Federation and its officers and instructors shall not otherwise be liable for injury or damage to personor property except as shall otherwise by specifically provided by law when such a provision as this shall exist. The intent herein and the agreement of the parties hereto is to exonerate the Greater New York Naginata Federation and its officers and instructors so far as shall be permissible by law, from any liability.