Use this form to nominate a volunteer for one of the following awards. Please make sure that your nominee meets the critera for the particular award.
The Appreciation Pin recognizes an individual’s exemplary service in delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience – service which has had a measurable impact on one geographic area and helped the council surpass mission-delivery goals.
Number of Required Endorsements: 2
Who to Consider: Troop leadership team members who serve Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee beyond their own troops; Service unit team members; Service unit or regional trainers; Any registered Girl Scout adult member performing in an area of service beyond their own troop
Criteria: Nominee provides key support at a service unit, regional, or council level in one or more geographical or functional area
The Honor Pin recognizes an individual’s exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience – service which has had measurable impact on two or more geographic areas of service and helped reach and surpass mission-delivery goals.
Number of Required Endorsements: 2
Who to Consider: Troop leadership team members who serve Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee beyond their own troops; Service unit leadership team members; Service unit or regional trainers; Any registered Girl Scout adult member performing in an area of service beyond their own troop
Criteria: Nominee provides key support at a service unit, regional, or council level in two or more geographical or functional areas
The Thanks Badge honors an individual whose ongoing commitment, leadership, and service has had an exceptional, measurable impact on meeting mission-delivery goals and priorities benefiting the entire council or Girl Scout Movement.
Number of Required Endorsements: 2
Who to Consider: Any registered Girl Scout adult member holding a significant volunteer role beyond their own troop or service unit
Criteria: Nominee has given service for an extended period of time beyond the required role
The Thanks Badge II for Continuing Service recognizes a previous Thanks Badge recipient whose continued outstanding commitment, leadership, and service has had an exceptional, measurable impact on meeting mission-delivery goals and priorities benefiting the entire council or Girl Scout Movement.
Number of Required Endorsements: 2
Who to Consider: Any registered Girl Scout adult member who has already received the Thanks Badge
Criteria: Nominee has already received Thanks Badge and has continued to give service for an extended period of time beyond the required role