This is an application for seven open committee positions on the Convention Oversight Committee (four of which must be current LNC members). The official description of the committee is thus:
The Convention Oversight Committee (COC) shall make recommendations for convention sites to the LNC, but the LNC shall choose the site. On other matters concerning the Party’s conventions, the COC shall:
• convey requirements to convention planners;
• ensure the convention meets the Party’s needs;
• recommend for approval by the Executive Committee or the LNC major elements such as contracts over $3,000; the convention budget; and the convention program
including keynote speaker(s); and
• ensure all contracts with vendors go through a transparent bidding process regardless of dollar amount.
The COC shall report monthly its decisions and actions to the LNC. The COC may begin its work as soon as its members from the LNC are appointed.
During the ninety (90) days following a convention, the COC shall make a final report to the LNC of actual versus expected convention performance, and the COC shall update the online convention archive with information comparable to what the archive contains for past conventions.
The Chair and Secretary shall be ex-officio non-voting members of the COC.
You must be available for online meetings and to fully participate in the work of the committee. This is a volunteer position.
Applications are due 8/10/23.