1. By submitting this enrollment form you agree that you have read and understood the enrollment terms and conditions and state that you accept these terms and conditions including the payment plan terms and conditions listed herewithin.
2. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age.
3. Course fees in full or first installment of standard payment plans must be paid upon enrollment.
4. The School of Meditation & Transformative Studies reserves the right to reject any application for enrollment.
5. Enrollment fees, course fees and part course fees once paid are non-refundable.
6. Deferrals: Students who cannot participate in the course due to illness or other extenuating circumstances may be able to defer to a later course date, at the school's discretion.
7. Fees are in Canadian Dollars and are correct as of 03/03/2022 and may change without notice.
10. Graduates will be offered registration as with the IMTTA. Practitioner registration is offered free to graduates for the first year and can be renewed at the set fee each year after the first year has expired.
11. Students must submit 100% of all coursework submissions in order to pass this course. Students who do not submit assessments and do not arrange deferrals or extensions will have their training courses cancelled with no course fee refund being available.
12. In the unlikely event, we are unable to deliver the course due to circumstances beyond our control, the course may be put on hold and deferred to a later date which will be as soon as possible.
13. Class cancellations: In the very unlikely event that a class needs to be deferred due to circumstances beyond our control, students will be notified via text message, email and through the colleges' Facebook page.
14. In the event of any circumstances beyond our control that require classes to be cancelled, fees will not be refunded and every effort will be made to deliver the training course via an alternative method.
15. Any student who uses behaviour that is offensive, upsetting, aggressive or disruptive to the class (online or in-person) may be expelled after two warnings have been issued in writing, outlining the nature of the unsuitable behaviour. If a student is expelled, no refund of any course fees already paid will be available and no graduation certificates will be issued.
16. This course is not suitable for people who are currently experiencing mental health issues as some activities may cause emotional triggers. In agreeing to these terms and conditions you are stating that you are not aware of any mental health issues and that you are not currently receiving treatment for a mental health issue.
17. While all care and due diligence are taken, please be advised that in the unlikely event that any harm or injury is caused by the practical application of any information or instruction supplied, The School of Meditation & Transformative Studies, Mind Body Education Pty Ltd and the IMTTA, their employees and representatives can accept no liability. Information supplied is not intended to replace medical advice.