The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Library Services Enrolment Form
Employer / Place of study (please tick all that apply)
The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice
NHS Hillingdon CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group)
Central & North West London NHS Foundation Trust
Imperial College
Bucks New University
Brunel University
University of West London
London Borough of Hillingdon
If "other", please specify:
Department (and location):
Work address (if not on site):
Work telephone no. / ext. / bleep:
Job title / post:
Are you a permanent member of staff?
If you answered "no", when is your leaving date (if known) or current placement end date?
Email address:
Line Manger contact details (for staff)/ Course Director contact details (for students) :
Home telephone or mobile number:
I agree to observe library regulations and agree not to disclose any codes or passwords issued by the Library to any third party. I agree to return all items borrowed from the Library, or through the Inter-Library Loans Service, before I leave the Trust and that I am liable for the cost of replacing any lost or damaged items. Information submitted on this form may be used by library staff to retrieve any unreturned items.I agree to accept the following data protection procedures. The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and its partner organisation, Soutron Limited, will hold the personal data you have supplied on registering with The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Library under the terms of the Data Protection Act 2018 (incl. GDPR). This information will only be used to facilitate your library membership and the provision of lending and document supply services. Soutron Limited is Cyber Essentials Plus Accredited. Personal data on file will be reviewed periodically to ensure it is accurate and up-to-date. Please notify us of any changes immediately so that we can amend the data accordingly.How can we use your data? I agree that The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Library Service can use the data supplied to (tick to confirm):
Promote licenced electronic resources
Communicate in regards promotional activities
Request anonymised feedback (e.g. via link to surveys)
Please sign (use your mouse to draw your signature with a single click and drag):
Library Services provide access to a range of resources and services to assist you with your day-to-day work, research and study. Please email me information on the following:
How to register for an NHS OpenAthens account (this allows you to access a wide range of eresources)
How to search The Knowledge and Library Hub and healthcare databases
How to browse ejournals using
How to access ebooks
How to register for Knowledgeshare (this current awareness service lets you keep up to date in your area with tailored bulletins)
How to register for the clinical decision support tool BMJ Best Practice, and download the app
How to request an evidence search (we will search the evidence for you and provide a a report laying out what we find)
Should be Empty: