Join Una Voce Canada
If you would like to support the work of Una Voce Canada, please consider joining. By becoming a member, you help us to:
* protect and promote the traditions of the Churc
* work as a lay movement within the Church for an organic restoration of the
* Liturgy in conformity with its nature and with the Latin tradition;
* safeguard and promote the use of Latin, Gregorian chant and sacred polyphony in the Liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church;
* actively to encourage the establishment of non-territorial parishes and/or chaplaincies in which only the liturgical books used in 1962 are employed;
* financially supports seminarians in traditional orders such as the Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri (F.S.S.P.) and the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest (ICRSS);
* have 1,000 Masses said every for the following intentions:
* 500 for the relief and release of the Holy Souls in Purgatory;
* 50 for the final perseverance of Holy Family parishioners and their families and the return to the Church of any who have left;
* 200 for the final perseverance of our benefactors UVC/VTMS members and their families and the return to the Church of any who have left;
* 200 for the St. Monica Society for the conversion to or return to the Catholic Faith;
* 25 for Traditional priestly societies and orders
* 25 for the establishment of the traditional Mass in all dioceses of Canada.
Not only do you participate in the benefits of the above but you directly:
* receive a bimonthly newsletter and a separate bimonthly online publication that educates and keeps our members informed about various aspects of traditional Catholicism;
* have access to the St. Monica Society as a membership benefit where weekly Masses (52 per year) are offered for the conversion or return to the faith of individuals and groups enrolled by members in its St. Monica Society.
The current membership fee is $20 for an individual and $25 for a family.
For your convenience we have established numerous ways in which you can make your payment:
* Interac e-transfer to in which case please submit your postal address by email to
* Cheque by downloading a PDF Membership Form and mailing it to the address on this form or
* Click on the Submit button below to pay using Square