Million Dollar Bill Challenge
Search and ye shall find. On the front and back of the Office of State Treasurer's Million Dollar Bill are facts, dates, people, words, events, groups, etc. that are historically significant to Utah or the Treasurer’s Office. How many can you find? Below are hints that will help guide you. (The use of a magnifying glass is recommended!) Tell us what you uncovered, and we'll share the answer key with you.
This bill was created to promote a division of the Office of State Treasurer. Which division, and what is its mission?
Did you find lost money at belonging to you, your friends or relatives, or businesses/organizations you support? How many names did you search? Did you claim your money? If not, why?
What were the circumstances leading to the quote, "This is the Right Place," and who said it?
What is the significance of the Beehive?
Where did the word “Deseret” originate? What does it mean, and where have you seen it used?
What is the significance of the word "Industry” in Utah?
What is the significance of Salt Lake City?
What does the 45 represent?
What dates are on the state flag? What is the significance of the dates on the bill?
Marlo Oaks is the ___ treasurer of the State of Utah (a number).
What is the most famous geographic (and wet!) salt feature of Utah? Na 4x refers to this relative to the world's largest bodies of water.
Utah attracts tourists from all over the world to see and experience these five destinations.
How much land of the state is owned by the federal government?
What is the dual meaning of the phrase, “Search and ye shall find?”
There are two figures whose statues represent Utah in the Capitol Rotunda in Washington, D.C. Who are they? What makes them significant?
What is the state flower, and what is historically significant about it?
What is the state bird, and what is historically significant about it?
Can you find the names of the leaders of the legislative branch of Utah’s government? Why is each name positioned where it is on the building? (Hint: It has to do with the layout of the building.)
What is a constitutional officer? How many constitutional officers does Utah have? What branch of government do they represent? Can you find the names of these state-wide officers? Match the names of the officers with their role. What are the responsibilities of each role?
Can you find the name of a leader of the judicial branch of Utah’s government?
What does “Congressional Delegation” mean? Can you find the names of each member of Utah’s Congressional Delegation? What geographic area does each delegation member cover? Which delegation members represent you?
There are three Native American tribes depicted on the bill. These tribes have some historically significant event, tie, or relationship to the state or the Treasurer’s Office. Which three tribes are they? Why are they depicted on the bill? Hints: 1) When people say Utah this Native American tribe is part of it. 2) In 1863 this northern-Utah tribe came under fire from the U.S. Army stationed at Fort Douglas. How is this tribe depicted on the bill? What is the historical significance of this event? Where did it take place? What other facts about this tribe are unique or of interest to you? 3) These famous land formations are on a Native American reservation. What is the relationship of this tribe to the state treasurer? What is the primary source of the money that assists this tribe’s Utah residents?
How many columns are on the State Capitol building? How many counties are in Utah? Which county name is missing from the bill? Why is it missing? (Hint: It has to do with the building.)
Utah is famous for these prehistoric animals. Where can you find the fossils of these creatures in Utah? What is the name of this uniquely Utah genus?
What is the name of the woman in the front? What is she doing? What is the significance of what she is doing?
What is the significance of the trains? When and where did that event happen? Which president of the United States authorized the construction? What is the symbol of that event? Can you find that symbol?
Many pioneers came west during the 1840s, 1850s, and 1860s. This group was largely unique to Utah. How did they travel to the territory? Why did they travel this way? [Extra Credit: Whose likeness was used for the man’s face in this sculpture that is on Temple Square in Salt Lake City? What is his story?]
Utahns developed a sweet tooth by growing and processing this economically significant vegetable. One Utah high school’s mascot pays homage to those who worked in these fields. What is the name of the crop? Why was it grown (e.g., what was the end product)? [Extra Credit: In Gunnison, there was a railroad spur that connected from the factory to the main railroad line. The name of this spur was related to where the product ended up. What was the nickname for this railroad spur? What was the product’s final destination?]
In 1972, [this bill is Series 2022, so 50 years ago from the year the bill was printed], this Utah woman was recognized as the first mother from our state to receive this national award. Who was it, what was the award, and what is her relationship to Treasurer Oaks?
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