All people serving in ministry at City on a Hill are called to faithfully obey God and honour Jesus with their lives with conduct that is: above reproach; full of the fruit of the Spirit; and displaying evidence of the work of God in their lives. Godly Christian character is at the heart of what it means to be a Humble, Courageous & Sacrificial Leader. Such character can only happen through a personal and living faith in Jesus Christ.
This code of conduct summarises these requirements and as such is not intended to be exhaustive. However, it does outline some of the areas of essential conduct. These principles are expected to be implemented in all of life (including our online lives) and not just during formal ministry activities.
We acknowledge that not all people serving at City on a Hill have a personal and living faith in Jesus Christ; and some have come to faith only recently. If this is you, and you feel that there are some things in this code of conduct that you cannot or are not ready to assent to, then we encourage you to read and assent to our Team Member Code of Conduct.
Serving in ministry in the church comes with varying degrees of actual or perceived authority within the church community. With this comes a responsibility to exercise that authority in a way that honours Jesus and His call to love and serve others. People in positions of authority are to be particularly aware of this when dealing with children and vulnerable people, even if their leadership does not involve direct contact with these groups. Abuse arises from the misuse of authority or power. Any form of abuse is always wrong.
In addition to the general standards of behaviour stated in this document, all people serving in ministry are required to comply with:
- the polices of the Anglican diocese in which they operate,
- the policies of City on a Hill, and
- the legislation of state and commonwealth governments.
All those that hold a leadership position, are involved in ministry to children, or have pastoral responsibility are required to hold a current Working with Children Check in their respective State or Territory.
This code of conduct applies to all people in any ministry position at City on a Hill. Failure to uphold this code of conduct may result in removal from leadership and ministry.
Sections pertaining to appropriate conduct with children applies to all people serving in ministry at City on a Hill, and not just those in ministry roles that directly involve children and vulnerable people.
Key terms appear in bold italics the first time they appear and are defined in the Safe Ministry Terminology document.
In this document a child refers to anyone under the age of 18. A vulnerable person refers to an individual aged 18 years and above who is unable to protect themselves against harm or exploitation by reason of age, illness, trauma, disability, or any other reason.