The St. Michael's College Lockers are located in Brennan Hall, and are available from September to April annually, with an option to carry over your rental through the summer term.
Personal Use Lockers: The cost of your locker rental is $20/semester, or $40/academic year. Please complete the form below to reserve your booking.
Club Use Lockers: Each SMCSU Recognized club is entitled to ONE (1) Locker per academic year, additional lockers cost $30 for Fall & Winter Terms. You may pay by Cash or Cheque in Brennan Hall 115c, please email Assistant Dean, Karina Stellato at to schedule a time.
Please note that access is not granted immediately. You can expect an email from our Campus Life Coordiantor with ~2 days (maximum - it is usually faster) with your locker number and combination. For questions, please, reach out to