Request of Consideration of an Appointment 2023-2024 in the Virginia Conference UMC
Thank you for your interest in serving in an appointment in the Virginia Conference UMC. Please fill out the information below so that we can get to know you. The deadline is February 15 annually. It is important to note that appointments in our conference depend upon our need for additional clergy and our strategic missional needs. Our Bishop and Cabinet determine this need no earlier than March annually. We will get back to you as the need for an appointment arises.
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Preferred First Name:
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Cell Phone
Please enter a valid phone number.
Home Phone
Please enter a valid phone number.
Work Phone
Please enter a valid phone number.
Ethnic Origin
Clergy Information
Choose the section below that applies to your ordination and fill out the accompanying information.
For United Methodist Clergy in the U.S.A. (If this question does not apply please skip to the section below):
Answer the questions below if you currently serve in a United Methodist Conference in the United States.
If you are United Methodist Clergy please choose your current status:
Licensed Local Pastor
Provisional Elder
Provisional Deacon
Associate Member
Ordained Elder
Ordained Deacon
Retired Elder
Retired Deacon
Retired Licensed Local Pastor
If other please write your status below:
Please choose the status that you are seeking if you were to receive an appointment in the Virginia Conference UMC:
Licensed Local Pastor
Other Provisional Deacon or Elder (OP)
Other Methodist (OE)
Other Associate (OA)
Affiliate Member (AF)
Retired Member of Another Conference (OR)
Letter of Good Standing: Upload a letter of good standing from your previous Bishop (or D.S. on behalf of the Bishop) sharing permission that you will be approved to have an on loan appointment if one becomes available in the VAUMC.
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For Other Methodist Clergy
Fill out the section below if you qualify as other Methodist clergy according to the World Methodist Council:
Share below which Methodist denomination that your were ordained in. (If this question does not apply skip to the section below):
Letter of Good Standing: Upload a letter of good standing from your previous Bishop sharing permission that you will be approved to have an on loan appointment if one becomes available in the VAUMC.
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For Non-Methodist Clergy
Share below which denomination you were ordained in.
Letter of Good Standing: Upload a letter of good standing from your previous Bishop (ordaining body) sharing permission that you will be approved to have an on loan appointment if one becomes available in the VAUMC.
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Additional Information for All Applicants
Marital Status
If divorced please list the number of previous marriages you have had.
Name of Spouse (if applicable)
First Name
Last Name
Children (if applicable). List the names and ages of your children with a * by those living at home.
Applicant Type: Check all that apply:
This is my first request for consideration of an appointment in the Virginia Conference UMC.
I have previously interviewed with the Transfer Committee of the Virginia Conference Board of Ordained Ministry and was not recommended for an appointment.
I have previously had an interview with a District Superintendent in the Virginia Conference UMC.
If you have previously interviewed share the appointment year you interviewed below:
Which denomination do you hold ordination credentials in?
What year were you ordained?
List the location of your ordination.
If your ordination was conducted by an individual church rather than a denomination, please note the church's convention/affiliation below (if applicable).
Upload a copy of your ordination certificate here.
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Have you ever withdrawn from ordained ministry in another United Methodist Annual Conference?
If you chose yes above name the UMC Annual Conference from which you withdrew.
Are you currently attending or connected to a United Methodist Church in Virginia?
If yes list the name of the church and city in which it is located:
For those who live in Virginia, what District would you currently be related to as related to where you currently live (see the map below):
Please Select
Coastal Virginia
Living Waters
Mission Rivers
Mountain View
Northern Virginia
Shenandoah River
Three Notch'd
Valley Ridge
Virginia Conference UMC Districts
If you do not currently live in Virginia or you are looking to move from where you currently live in which district are you looking to relocate?
Please Select
Coastal Virginia
Living Waters
Mission Rivers
Mountain View
Northern Virginia
Shenandoah River
Three Notch'd
Valley Ridge
Are you able to itinerate (move) for an appointment within the Virginia Conference?
If no list why you are unable to move.
Employment History (List church and secular employment in the past ten years, starting with the most recent.
Name of Employer
Position Title
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Input info
Upload your resume and include names, dates, addresses and telephone numbers of contact persons of churches served and/or places of previous employment.
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Educational History (List seminary, graduate, and undergraduate institutions you have attended, starting with the most recent):
Name of Institution
Degree or Credit Hours
Year Degree Earned
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Educational Documents
Please upload the documents below that you have. If you do not currently have these documents you can skip this section at this point, but these documents are required by the VAUMC before you will be appointed.
Upload Undergraduate Transcript
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Upload Masters Transcript
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Upload Additional Transcripts (if applicable)
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Download the work authorization form which can be found at fill it out and upload it here.
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Background Check
Upon the receipt of this application if you are selected to move forward, the office of clergy excellence will send you information about completing a background check. Background checks are required in this process.
Do you submit to a background check?
Please Select
If you choose no you will not be eligible to apply for transfer.
Upload a picture of yourself below:
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Candidate's Disclosure Form
Complete the candidate's disclosure form which you can find at (a notary signature is required):
Upload the Candidate's Disclosure Form below:
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Pastor Profile
Please answer the following questions below.
Briefly describe your personal vision as a pastoral leader.
Briefly describe your theological education and how it has shaped your call and ministry?
What are the key theological points that are core to your ministry?
What are your gifts for ministry?
Where does your passion intersect with the world's great need?
What spiritual disciplines do you practice on a daily basis?
Outline your personal self-care plan and your failure/success in following through.
Where do you find support and accountability?
Describe your preaching style and worship leadership.
Review the situations listed below and choose the question based on your current situation...
Question 1: Serving the local church: How are you leading your congregation to making disciples of Jesus Christ to transform the world?
Question 2: First Year Clergy: How do you plan to lead your congregation in making disciples of Jesus Christ to transform the world?
Question 3: Extension Clergy: How does your ministry setting enable you to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world?
Answer the question that you chose above:
Describe your role and practice in leading your congregation(s) to develop a vision for ministry and to implement that vision.
How do your ministry and leadership reflect the Social Principles of the United Methodist Church?
Share a statement of why you wish to serve in the Virginia Conference UMC.
Please check the areas below in which you have experience:
Disciple Bible Study
Christian Believer
New Church Starts
Fresh Expressions
Volunteer Mission Trips
Capitol Campaigns
Companions in Christ
Congregational Development
Disaster Response
Stewardship Campaigns
Small Group Ministry
Appointment Considerations
What issues need to be taken into consideration in the appointment process, i.e., family, medical, housing, gifts and graces?
Please share any additional information you think would be helpful for Clergy Excellence to have.
Sign below after you read this statement: All the information that I have provided on this application is true. If Clergy Excellence finds that the information you provided is false you will not move forward in the appointment process.
Next Steps
Our Board of Pensions and Health Benefits would want you to know that in order to be covered by the Retiree Health Plan in the Virginia Conference UMC, you must be enrolled in our conference health plan for a minimum of ten years, full time at a local church prior to retirement. If you are selected to move forward in the appointment process either Rev. Dr. Steve Summers (who oversees the on loan process) or Rev. Jessie Colwell (who oversees the other fellowship/non Methodist clergy process) will contact you with more information. Additionally , if you are offered an appointment, our Board of Ordained Ministry may need additional background information for your file at that time.
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