2025 Auction Item Donation Form
Gulf Coast Beer & Bacon Festival * Benefitting Mississippi Heroes
March 1, 2025 at Richburg Hall Items needed week prior
You can drop off at the Weichert Realtors Office in Woolmarket or we can schedule to pickup. Thank you in advance for supporting our mission.
Donor/Contact Information
Donor 1 Name:
First Name
Last Name
Donor 2 Name:
First Name
Last Name
Company/Organization Name (if applicable):
Submit Company Logo Here for Advertising Purposes:
Browse Files
Donor Name(s) as they should appear on the website:
Do you want anonymous?
Please make this donation anonymous.
Donated on behalf of (if applicable):
Donor Email:
Donor Phone Number:
Area Code
Phone Number
Contact Name (if different from donor):
First Name
Last Name
Contact Phone (if different from donor):
Area Code
Phone Number
Item Category
Please select the category that best describes your item - fill out one form per auction item
Art & Decor
One-of-a-Kind Experiences
Food and Dining
Sports and Entertainment
Getaways and Vacation Homes
Wine and Spirits
Health and Fitness
Art & Decor
Item Name:
Estimated Value:
Artist Name (if applicable):
Item Description:
(Please include dimensions if/when possible.)
Link to item description:
If available, please copy + paste URL of item description here.
How will this item be given to MISSISSIPPI Heroes?
I will mail or deliver the item to MISSISSIPPI Heroes by February 20, 2024.
Please contact me for other arrangements.
One-of-a-Kind Experiences
Item Name:
Estimated Value:
Date Range:
if applicable
# of Guests:
Full Description:
Please include any applicable restrictions:
If there are no restrictions, please write N/A.
How will this item be given to MISSISSIPPI Heroes?
I will mail or deliver the vouchers/certificate for the item to MISSISSIPPI Heroes by February 20, 2024.
Please contact me for other arrangements.
Food and Dining
Which of the options below best describes your item?
In-home Dining
Cocktail Party
Item Name:
Estimated Value:
# of Guests to be accommodated:
Full Description:
Please include any applicable restrictions:
If there are no restrictions, please write N/A.
How will this item be given to MISSISSIPPI Heroes?
I will mail or deliver the vouchers/certificate for the item to MISSISSIPPI Heroes by February 20, 2024
Please contact me for other arrangements.
Item Name:
Estimated Value:
Full Description:
Please include any applicable restrictions:
If there are no restrictions, please write N/A.
Link to item description:
If available, please copy + paste URL of item description here.
How will this item be given to MISSISSIPPI Heroes?
I will mail or deliver the item to MISSISSIPPI Heroes by February 20, 2024.
Please contact me for other arrangements.
Health and Fitness
Item Name:
Estimated Value:
Full Description:
Please include any applicable restrictions:
If there are no restrictions, please write N/A.
Link to item description:
If available, please copy + paste URL of item description here.
How will this item be given to MISSISSIPPI Heroes?
I will mail or deliver the item to MISSISSIPPI Heroes by February 20, 2024.
Please contact me for other arrangements.
Item Name:
Estimated Value:
Full Description:
Please include any applicable restrictions:
If there are no restrictions, please write N/A.
Link to item description:
If available, please copy + paste URL of item description here.
How will this item be given to MISSISSIPPI Heroes?
I will mail or deliver the item to MISSISSIPPI Heroes by February 20, 2024.
Please contact me for other arrangements.
Sports and Entertainment
Event Type:
Sporting Event
Item Name:
Estimated Value:
Event Date:
# of Tickets:
Full Description:
Please include any applicable restrictions:
If there are no restrictions, please write N/A.
Link to item description:
If available, please copy + paste URL of item description here.
How will this item be given to MISSISSIPPI Heroes?
I will mail or deliver the item to MISSISSIPPI Heroes by February 20, 2024.
Please contact me for other arrangements.
Getaways and Vacation Homes
Is this a trip or a vacation rental?
Vacation Rental
Item Name:
Estimated Value:
Full Description:
Please list any applicable restrictions:
If there are no restrictions, please write N/A.
Link to item description:
If available, please copy + paste URL of item description here.
How will this item be given to MISSISSIPPI Heroes?
I will mail or deliver the vouchers/certificate for the item to MISSISSIPPI Heroes by February 20, 2024.
Please contact me for other arrangements.
Wine and Spirits
Qty of bottles included:
Estimated Value:
Wine Type:
Wine Varietal:
Full Description:
Please include any information on the Brand/Producer and Country/Region of Origin.
Please list any applicable restrictions:
If there are no restrictions, please write N/A.
Link to item description:
If available, please copy + paste URL of item description here.
How will this item be given to MISSISSIPPI Heroes?
I will mail or deliver the item to MISSISSIPPI Heroes by February 20, 2024.
Please contact me for other arrangements.
Please Upload Your Item Photo(s) Below:
Choose Files
By signing your name below, you certify that all information provided for this donation is accurate to the best of your knowledge. MS Heroes is not responsible for misrepresented items:
Form should be signed by person completing the form.
Should be Empty: