Apply for The Daily Tar Heel Data Desk!
The Daily Tar Heel is hiring a dynamic team of data reporters for its data desk. We are seeking applicants who have a background in writing and are interested in breaking into data OR people with a stats background who are interested in journalism. BUT, no newsroom or data experience is required — we are a learning newspaper! Existing reporters on any desk are welcome to apply for the data desk if interested. Contact Data Editor Anh Nguyen with any questions at 919-480-4251! APPLICATION IS DUE January 20, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. EST.
What does a data reporter do?
Data reporters will be responsible for working with senior writers and helping to implement data elements into newsroom stories. They will be responsible for finding/combing through data archives, cleaning data and creating data visualizations (ie graphs, charts, etc). Additionally, data reporters have the freedom to pursue independent data-driven journalism projects if desired.
First Name
Last Name
UNC Email
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
What year are you?
Why are you interested in data reporting?
What is your background in writing/reporting/journalism? No experience is required.
What is your background in stats/data analysis/data visualizations? Be specific on your skills and program competency (R/Python/Datawrapper/etc). No experience is required.
Pitch me a story. What's a data-driven story that you would be interested in pursuing for the Daily Tar Heel? Must have a connection to UNC and/or Chapel Hill/NC.
Please upload a writing sample (min of 500 words). If you don't have a journalism background, it can be an essay for a class, or honestly anything!
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Optional: If you have experience in data visualizations, please upload any work samples here.
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