First Name
Last Name
Do any of the following statements ring true for you? (Select all that apply.)
I wish I had more time to decide where to give before the tax deadline of Dec. 31
I would like to spend more time giving back in the future.
I'd love to have a way to organise family giving or create a way for my family to give together.
I'm always looking for ways to reduce my taxes.
I want to leave behind some sort of personal or family charitable legacy.
On average, how many organizations do you support each year with a charitable donation?
Three or fewer
Four to six
Seven to ten
More than ten
How much does your household typically give to charity in a year?
Less than $1,000
$1,000 to $4,999
$5,000 to $9,999
$10,000 to $19,999
$20,000 to $49,999
$50,000 to $99,999
More than $100k
Do any of the following apply to you/your family's financial situation or long-term planning this year? (Select all that apply.)
Expecting to have a high-income tax year
Expecting variable income, such as a bonus
Expecting/anticipating a financial windfall
Expecting to sell a business or realize significant capital gain due to sale of an asset
Expecting to develop or update my will or estate plan
None of these apply to my financial situation this year
What motivates and inspires you to give? Were there important formative experiences in your life or people who had a strong influence?
What do you aspire to accomplish with your giving? What issues do you want to affect and why?
What is your desired geographic scope?
Based off your responses to the above questions, what would be your mission statement?
Should be Empty: