Course of Study School Recommendation
Virginia Conference UMC Associate Membership 2023
Student's Name
First Name
Last Name
The above student has authorized that you can share this information with the registrar of the Board of Ordained Ministry.
Name of University/Theological School
Instructions to Course of Study School Representative
The Virginia Conference Board of Ordained Ministry is interested in any personal insights you can provide with regard to the candidate in the following areas: academic ability and performance, personal qualities and character, spiritual maturity and insight, field education experience and effectiveness. Please share your thoughts below and attach any additional reports to the end of this document that you think will be helpful for the Board to review when discerning if this candidate is ready for Associate Membership.
Academic ability and performance: Share you experience of how the candidate performed academically and any other observations of their academic ability.
Personal qualities and character: Share your experience of the personal qualities and character of this candidate that you observed inside and outside of the classroom (if applicable).
Spiritual maturity and insight: Share your experience of the spiritual maturity and insight you witnessed in this candidate.
Readiness for Ministry: Do you think this candidate is ready for Associate Membership in The United Methodist Church?
Recommendation submitted by:
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Date this recommendation was submitted:
Signature: By signing this form I am stating that all the information I have provided about this candidate is true.
File Upload (OPTIONAL): Please upload any additional files you feel may be helpful in additional to the information you provided above.
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Thank you!
Thank you for participating in this very important part of the associate member application process in the Virginia Conference UMC!
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