Hire and access - terms and conditions
These terms and conditions apply to all external individuals and groups hiring or accessing the premises.
The terms and conditions include compliance with the Operational, Safety & Emergency Procedures contained in the above two sections.
Failure to comply may result in subsequent bookings being cancelled and any additional call out fees being charged to the hirer.
Use of the Old Courthouse is generally restricted to artists and arts organisations, especially activities benefiting musicians and/or the broader music industry. Within this, activities supporting the creation or performance of original works, community based or grass roots endeavours and/or promoting access and equity will be prioritised.
Areas available for hire:
- FUNCTION, ACOUSTIC GIG and MEETING ROOM: 01: Old Courtroom, approx 13M x 6.1M USABLE
- HOT DESK ROOM: 06: Exhibit Store, approx 2.4 x 3.6M USABLE
NB: NO WHEELCHAIR ACCESS. Access to kitchen and toilet facilities is included in all bookings.
ROOMS 07, 03 and 02 are MusicNT administrative areas with the main entrance via 04 off Hartley St.
Terms and Conditions
Follow directives and instructions in 1: Operational Procedures and 2: Emergency Procedures of this document including ensuring all members of your party do likewise. In particular, please ensure:
All members of your group &/or audience only access authorized areas.
Leave the place in the condition in which you found it and report any damage or issue, no matter how minor to MusicNT.
Be considerate of other building users.
Prompt payment of any negotiated fees (as below).
Pay a key deposit of $50.00 if authorised to have one.
Group leader to complete building orientation session prior to using facilities.
All bookings are dependent on space availability.
Costs for each available area:
What is included your booking
Your booking includes access to the following amenities:
- Use of kitchenette & amenities including tea/coffee/water bubbler/milk/sugar, cutlery & crockery, microwave, fridge, kettle, urn, serving platters & glass water bottles
- Toilets
- Photocopier/printer use
- Whiteboard & butchers’ paper
- Projector (no screen but can project onto one of the walls in the main room)
- Access to WIFI
What is NOT included in your booking
- Catering
- Provision of AV including PA, mixer, backline, stage lights, etc or production staff including assistance with set up/pack down
- Additional terms and conditions for gigs or other public events
- Bookings for using the function room and/or lawned area as a venue for a public event such as a concert may be negotiated on a case by case basis. Generally no fees will apply to free music events or community fundraisers and a minimal fee will be charged for ticketed events.
In addition to complying with all other hire terms and conditions outlined in the above, the booking party will need to comply with the following:
1. The hirer agrees to indemnify and to keep indemnified MusicNT its employees and/or agents against all actions, costs, claims, damages, charges and expenses whatsoever which may be brought or made or claimed against any of them arising out of or in relation to any activities under the hire agreement or arising out of breach of any condition attaching to the hire agreement.
2. Where the hirer is a business or the venue hire is associated with a revenue raising activity, incorporated body or corporate function, the hirer shall take out and keep current a public liability insurance policy in the name of the hirer insuring the hirer for the minimum sum of ten million dollars ($10,000,000) in respect of any negligent act or omission of the hirer in relation to any activities under the hire agreement.
3. Where MusicNT agrees to grant a hire agreement to an un-insured party for the purpose of noncommercial, non-revenue raising or private functions, applicants agree to reimburse MusicNT the excess payable on MusicNT’s public liability insurance policy should a claim arise or be lodged in relation to the hire.
4. The hirer is responsible for insurance coverage of all their property equipment and goods that are used, left or stored in our buildings. MusicNT accepts no responsibility for loss, damage or theft of anything owned by you, on loan to you or on deposit with you.
5. The hirer shall ensure that it is licensed or registered to carry out the activity authorised by the issuing of this hire agreement.
6. The hire agreement is not transferable.
7. The hirer shall comply with applicable laws and also give all notices required by any legislation relating to an activity under the hire agreement.
8. No food or drink will be offered for sale by any hirer without the prior approval of MusicNT
9. Alcohol consumption will be prohibited without prior permission from MusicNT. With permission, the event organiser is responsible for obtaining a Liquor Licence and for operating within the terms and conditions set out in the license, especially those related to Security or RSA (Responsible Sale of Alcohol). A copy of the license must be provided to MusicNT.
10. MusicNT requires the hirer to engage a licensed security if alcohol is being served. The event organiser is responsible for meeting all associated security costs.
11. If the event is likely to attract an audience larger than 50, regardless of whether alcohol is being consumed, the event organiser must liaise with MusicNT to provide professional Security services (generally 1 officer for groups between 50 - 99, and 2 officers for every 100 anticipated attendees). The event organiser is responsible for meeting all associated security costs.
12. No music system or amplified sound to be used by any hirer without the prior approval from MusicNT.
13. The hirer is responsible for setting up and cleaning the venue and associated areas and shall ensure that the hire site or sites are left in a clean and tidy condition at the end of the hire.
14. All doors and windows are securely fastened and lights shall be extinguished when leaving the venue.
15. Access to the venue, including deliveries and contractors, is restricted to the hours stated on the hire agreement unless by prior arrangement and confirmation in writing from MusicNT. An inducted person for the hire must be present at all times whilst the venue is being accessed by you, your representatives, contractors, guests or attendees.
16. The control of our buildings is vested in MusicNT's Central Australia Manager or their nominee who shall have access to them at any time. Any instructions issued to you regarding use of the premises must be obeyed.
17. If a private event is found to be promoted on any social networking site as a public or open invitation event the hire may be cancelled by MusicNT without notice or recourse.
18. A hire agreement is liable to be revoked by MusicNT if the hirer fails to comply with a condition of the hire agreement or may be revoked in any other justifiable circumstance.
19. MusicNT reserves the right to change the Conditions of Hire and any agreements entered into regarding hire at any time.
22. Animals shall not be brought into the building.
Additional charges
Hirers will be liable for the following additional charges should they be incurred by MusicNT as a result of avoidable breaches of these terms and conditions.
$250.00 cleaning fee if the premises are left requiring additional cleaning
call out fees from Talice Security or Chubb fire safety due to non-compliance with procedures in this manual. These can be large (eg, activating the smoke alarm if no emergency exists costs around $800.00)
Cancellations and refunds
Please notify MusicNT at your earliest convenience if you need to cancel your booking for any reason. Where relevant, 50% of your hire fee will be non-refundable for cancellations given with less than 3 days (72 hours) notice.
How to book a space
1) MusicNT's Central Australia Manager, Liz Archer will contact you to discuss your requirements. First time hirers will need to complete a building induction
2) Complete a Hire Agreement Form and make payment 2 weeks prior to your booking
3) Complete a building orientation session prior at least 48 hours before booking